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of European artillery, and two companies of lascars. Travancore, on its part, bound itself not to enter into any engagement with other European nations, nor to allow them to settle in the country, without the consent of the Hon'ble East India Company. It further undertook to assist with its own troops the English in their wars, and the Hon'ble East India Company on its part undertook to bear the cost of the troops.

The Raja who ruled over Travancore in 1805 AD. was Rama Varma. He died in 1811 A. D. and was succeeded by Princess Laxmi Rani, who, though very young, displayed much prudence and courage in confiding the affairs of the State into the hands of the British Resident, Colonel Munro. Travancore is much indebted for a thorough reform in every branch of the administration to the generous nature and practical wisdom of this gentleman, who held the office of Diwan to Her Highness simultaneously with that of British Resident.

When Laxmi Rani died in 1814 A. D. leaving a daughter and two sons, all of them minors, she was succeeded by her sister Parvati Rani, who ruled as Regent till her late sister's elder son, Rama Varma, came of age, and assumed the Government in 1829 A.D. After a distinguished rule of seventeen years he died and was succeeded by his younger brother, Martanda Varma, in 1846 A.D. It was during this Prince's rule that an ivory throne was presented to Her Majesty Queen Victoria, and the Maharaja received in return a gold belt and a watch accompanied by an autograph letter from Her Majesty expressive of kind regards.

Martanda Varma was succeeded in 1860 A.D. by his nephew, Rama Varma, who received in 1862 A.D. from Lord Canning, the then Governor-General of India, a sanad granting him and his successors the right of adoption on failure of natural heirs. He died in 1880 A.D. and was succeeded by his brother, also called Rama Varma, who in 1885 A.D was succeeded by the present Maharaja H. H Sir Bala Rama Varma G. C. S. I.

The administration of the State is conducted in the name and under the authority of His Highness the Maharaja by the Diwan or Prime Minister. A popular Council consisting of non-official gentlemen, nominated by the State to represent the various talukas, towns, and the planting interests, has been constituted to ascertain public opinion upon administrative questions. Legislation has since 1888 A.D. been in the hands of a Legislative Council which consists of eight members, three of them being non-officials, with the Diwan as ex-officio President.

The State maintains a small artillery for saluting purposes, and one brigade of infantry and a body-guard for the Maharaja.

The extent of the State is 7,000 square miles, with a population of 35 lacs and an annual revenue of a little over one crore of Rupees

The present ruler of the State is His Highness Sir Bala Rama Varma Bahadur Sri Padmanabhadas Vanchipala Sri Rama Varma Kulasekhara Kintapati Muni Sultan Maharaja, Raja Rama Raja Bahadur Samsher Jung, G.C.S.I., G C.I E., M.R.A.S., and is entitled to a salute of 21 guns.