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NAGPUR DISTRICT. 163 Nágpur Division contains a considerable urban population, residing in 21 towns with upwards of five thousand inhabitants, aggregating 299,184, or 108 per cent of the whole Divisional population ; leaving 2,458,872, or 89'2 per cent., as representing the rural or village population. Of the 8200 rural villages, 4320 contain less than two hundred inhabitants ; 2561 have between two and five hundred ; 994 between five hundred and a thousand ; 288 from one to three thousand; and 37 from three to five thousand. As regards occupation, the Census divides the male population into the following six main classes :-(1) Professional, military, and official class, 35,945; (2) domestic class, including inn and lodging-house keepers, 15,729 ; (3) commercial class, including merchants, traders, carriers, etc., 22,234; (1) agricultural and pastoral class, including gardeners, 603,569; (5) industrial and artisan class, 226,094; (6) indefinite and non-productive class, comprising general labourers and male children, 480,214. Of the adult male and female agricultural population, 22,570 are returned as landed proprietors; 496,057 as tenant cultivators, of whom 112,050 are tenants without pernianent rights, 65,316 are tenants at fixed rates or with rights of occupancy, and 288,691 are assistants in home cultivation; while 526,410 agricultural labourers, estate agents, farm bailiffs, etc., bring the total adult agricultural population of the Vágpur Division to 1,051,060, or 38.1 per cent. of the Divisional population; average area of cultivated and cultivable land, 9 acres per head. Of the total area of 24,010 square miles, 18,188 square miles are assessed for Government land revenue, of which 62443 square miles are returned as under cultivation, 7110 square miles as cultivable, and 4835 square miles as uncultivable waste. Total amount of Government assessment, including local rates and cesses levied on land, £231,607, or an average of is. Id. per cultivated acre. Total amount of rent actually paid by cultivators, £371,305, or an average of is. 10 d. per cultivated acre. Total Government revenue from all sources in 1883–84, £413,810. Justice is afforded by 50 civil and 55 criminal courts, including the head-quarters courts and offices of the Chief Commissioner of the Central Provinces. For further information, see the separate articles on the Districts comprising the Division enumerated above.) Nágpur.—District in the Nágpur Division of the Chief Commissionership of the Central Provinces, lying between 20° 36' and 21° 43' x. lat., and between 78° 17' and 79° 42' E. long. It forms an irregular triangle, with its eastern base resting on Bhandárá, its northern side bounded by Chhindwará and Seoni, and its south-western side by Wardha. At its south-eastern angle it adjoins Chándá District, while on the west its apex touches Berár. Population in 1881, 697,356 souls. Area, 3786 square miles. The administrative head-quarters of the