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NORTII-IVESTERN PROVINCES AND OUDII. 399 Other chief items of revenue in the same year were-stamps, £600,600; excise, £519,100; provincial rates (including school, District post, road, and other local cesses), £649,500; assessed taxes, £119,500 ; forests, £161,100; registration, £34,000 : post-office, £140,500 ; law and justice, £97,500; police (mostly fines), £42,600; education, £12,100; medical, £14,300; gross earnings of productive State railways, £61,200; direct receipts from productive irrigation and navigation works, £ 535,000; portion of land revenue due to irrigation, £87,200 ; and miscellaneous, £264,000. The chief item of expenditure in 1883-84 was the cost of the collection of land revenue shown above (£800,700). Other items were--for collection of stamp duties, £12,000; collection of excise, £1,000 ; forest charges, £104,100; registration, $20,000; cost of post-office, £154,500 ; general administration (salaries of civil servants, etc.), £159,200; law and justice, £518,900; police, £603,900 ; education, £166,200 ; ccclesiastical, £23,000 ; medical, £108,300; territorial and political pensions, 99,800, superannuation, I14,900; stationery and printing, £51,400 ; railway works protective against famine, 117,100; irrigation works protective against famine, 111,700; maintenance of ordinary irrigation works, £218,600; interest charges for capital already sunk in irrigation works, £247,100; cost of buildings, courts, etc., by Public Works Department, £630,500. Excise. ---- The duty received for licences to sell spirits in 1883-84 was — in the North - Western Provinces £125,929, and £32,197 in Oudh. To sell country drugs and intoxicants, £51,212 in the NorthWestern Provinces, and £10,919 in Oudh. To sell opium, £9223 in the North-Western Provinces, and £160 in Oudh. Police. — The police force (regular) of the united Provinces for 1883-84, including officers and men, numbered 33,059, and cost £ 144,449. The officers include i Inspector-General, 2 Deputy Inspectors-General, i personal Assistant to Inspector-General; 33 District and 8 Assistant District Superintendents in the North-Western Provinces, and 12 District Superintendents in Oudh; i Inspector - General of Railway Police; 192 subordinate inspectors with a pay of more than £10 a month; 4053 subordinate officers with less than £10 a month; 638 mounted police; 17,308 regular foot constables; 828 municipal officers; and 9982 municipal constables. There is thus one regular policeman to every 3.2 square miles of area in the North-Western Provinces and Oudh, and to every 1334 persons of the population. In urban localities the proportion is i policeman to every 447 inhabitants. As regards the race of the police force, 104 are Europeans, 47 Eurasians, and the remainder natives. Anong the officers there are 149 Christians and 2089 Muhammadans; of the remainder (2438), 538 are Bráhmans, 341 Rájputs, 45 Gúrkhas, 310 Sikhs, 103 Punjabis,