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432 ORISSA. force to co-operate with Sir Arthur Wellesley in Berar; but ners having come that peace had been concluded both with Sindhia and with the Maráthá Rájá at Nágpur, the troops marched back to Cuttack, and the force was broken up early in 1804. Colonel Harcourt and Mr. Melvill, as Joint Commissioners, thereupon set about placing the civil administration of Orissa on a satisfactory footing. Courts were established, a Land Settlement arranged for, and the Bengal Civil Regulations extended to the Province. The office of the Commissioners for settling the affairs of Cuttack was abolished in 1805, and Orissa was placed under the charge of a Collector, and of a Judge and Magistrate. The head-quarters of the Province, which then consisted of only one District, were at Purí until 1816, wlien they were removed to Cuttack. In 1829 this unwieldy jurisdiction was split up into the three Districts of Cuttack, Balasor, and Purí, with the nonRegulation Tributary States. The only instances of armed opposition to British rule which have occurred in Orissa Proper since 1803, were the rebellion of the Khurdhá Rájá in 1804, and the insurrection of the Khurdhá páiks in 1817-18. A narrative of these events will be found in the account of Puri District, to which they more properly belong AREA, POPULATION, ETC., OF BRITISH AND TRIBUTARY ORISSA. (According to the Census of 1881.) Area DISTRICTS. Number of Towns and Villages. Number of Houses. Total Population. Square Miles. Males. Females. Land Revenue (1183 Density of Populalion per Sq Mile. 84). 888,911 88.595 Cuttack, ... Balasor, ... 849,254 461,461 40,978 Purí, ... Angúl, .. (Banki, . . 12,841 316,436 6,331 160,799 2,473 5,166 | 127.369 379 17,719 116| 177 9, 181 1,738,165 945, 280 888,487 101,903 56.900 47.369 483,819 441,878 50, 084 446,609 51,819 28,448 3,298 28,452 Total of British Orissa, 9,053 24,894 631.504 3.730.735 1,837.591 1,893,144 412 | 180, 240 Tributary States, 15.187 11,212 259.653 1,469,112' 742,566 726,576 97 5,199,877 2,580,157 2,619.720 214 Grand Total, . 24,240 36,106 891,157 Confiseated estates, now administered as British territory. 2 Details for each of the Tributary States will be found in the population table in the next article, and also in the separate articles on each State in their alphabetical order.