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436 ORISSA. I portion are clerks, accountants, and petty officials. They numbered 93,689 in 1881, are generally in good circumstances, and held in esteem. The Kayasths, or the class in Bengal corresponding to the Karans, numbered 9416 in Orissa in 1881. The following is a list of the principal of the lower or Súdra castes of Hindus in Orissa in 1881, arranged according to numerical superiority, and not according to social rank: --- Chásá, the principal cultivating caste, 375,090; Gwálá, pastoral caste of cowherds, milksellers, etc., 289,715; Pán, a very low caste of semi-aborigines, one of whose occupations in former times was the procuring of human victims for the Kandh Meriah Sacrifice, 147,362 ; Teli, oil pressers and sellers, 146,423; Bauri, a low caste of day-labourers, 134,621; Kandára, a low caste of village watchmen, fishermen, and day-labourers, 115,733; Tanti, weavers, 100,345 ; Keut or Kewat, fish 97,459; Súdra, a distinctive local name for a caste of good cultivators, 83,241; Nápit, 72,224; Dhobi, washermen, 71,999; Baniyá, traders and shopkeepers, 69,131; Kumbhár, potters, 46,386; Barhai, carpenters, 41,682; Kandu, sweetmeat makers, 39,353; Lohár, blacksmiths, 33,585; Chamár, skinners and leather dealers, 24,922; Máli, gardeners, 22,593 ; Harí, sweepers, 18,750 ; Madak, sweetmeat makers, 12,380; Dom, mat and basket makers, sometimes employed in fishing, and as executioners, 8860; Jugi, weavers, 8128; Sunri, spirit sellers and traders, 7595 ; Tambulí, betel sellers, 6721. The number of casterejecting Hindus is returned at 66,362, of whom 60,765 are Vaishnav The Muhammadans, who, as before stated, number 85,611, or 2.24 per cent. of the population, are the descendants of a once dominant race in Orissa. They are generally poor, proud, and discontented. They contain representatives of good Afghan and Pathán families beyond the confines of Northern India; but, as a rule, they are the descendants of the common soldiery and camp-followers of the Afghán garrison of Orissa, and of low-caste Hindu converts. The Muhammadan religion now makes no progress whatever among the people. The Aboriginal Tribes, both Hindu and non-Hindu, are returned as numbering 130,826, of whom 123,896 are Hindus by religion, while 6030 still profess aboriginal forms of faith. Gonds number 32,100 ; Santáls, 4646; Bhuiyás, 4003; Bhumijs, 2767 ; Kharwárs, 1171; Kols, 1062; while the balance is made up of other aboriginal tribes not returned separately in the Census Report. The Christian community, according to race, consists of Europeans, 519; Eurasians, 269; natives of India, 3246; other Asiatics, 6; unspecified, 28. Divided according to sect, the Baptists form the great majority, numbering 2965; Roman Catholics number 495 ; Church of England, 311 ; Protestants, without specification of sect, 81; Church of Scotland, 37; other sects, 93. The native Christians