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42 MUSTAFABAD TAHSIL AVD TOWN. lodge, club, volunteer corps, brewery, 3 banks, 3 hotels, numerous boarding houses. The Botanical Gardens, established by Government, have been purchased by the municipality. A summer home for soldiers' children was established in Mussooree in 1876, and provides accommodation for about 100 children in the hot weather months. The Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway have also a school at Mussooree for the children of their European employés. Charitable dispensary. Mussooree is the summer head-quarters of the Trigonometrical branch of the Survey of India. The population fluctuates greatly, according to the season of the year. The Census in February 1881 was taken in the depth of winter, and returned a total population of permanent residents of Mussooree numbering 3106, namely, Hindus, 2019; Muhanımadans, 644; Christians, 440; Jain, r; and others,' 2. In September (1880), during the height of the season, a special Census was taken which returned the population of Masúri at 7652, and of the adjacent cantonment of Landaur at 4428; total, 12,080, namely, Hindus, 6406; Muhammadans, 3082; Europeans, 2355; Eurasians, 182 ; Native Christians, 43; and others,' 12. Municipal income of Víussooree (1883–84), £3361, of which £3303 was derived from taxation. For further details, see LANDAUR Mustafábád. - North-western tahsil of Máinpuri District, NorthVestern Provinces, and conterminous with Mustafábád parganá; lying in the centre of the Doáb upland, and watered by two branches of the Ganges Canal. Area, 321 square miles, of which 181 are cultivated. Population (1872) 155,476; (1881) 162,201, namely, males 88,884, and females 73,317; increase of population since 1872, 6725, or 4'3 per cent. in nine years. Classified according to religion, there were in 1881--Hindus, 150,036; Muhammadans, 9380; Jains, 2780; and 'others,' 5. Of the 270 towns and villages comprising the tahsil, 164 contain less than five hundred inhabitants. Land revenue, £29,150 ; total Government revenue, £32,648; rental paid by cultivators, £45,510. In 1883, Mustafábád tahsil contained i civil and i criminal court, 2 police circles (thánás), a regular police of $2 nien, and a village watch or rural police of 370 chaukidárs. Mustafábád.--Town in Ambála (Umballa) District, Punjab. Lat. 30° 12' N., long. 77° 13' E. Lies on road from Saharanpur to Ludhiana. Small citadel, the residence of a Sikh Rájá. Mustafábád.— Town in Faizabád (Fyzábád) District, Oudh; situated 19 miles from Faizabad town. Population (1881) 2377, namely, Hindus, 1327, and Muhammadans, 1050. The Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway passes through the village. Two Hindu temples and one mosque. | Mustafabad.—Town in Salon taisil, Rái Bareli District, Outh ; situated 3 miles north of the Ganges, and 20 from Rai Bareli town, on