Page:The Imperial Gazetteer of India - Volume 10 (2nd edition).pdf/556

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544 PALHALLI. for distilling rum. The machinery, worked both by steam and water power, was capable of producing about 2000 tons in the year, which afforded the growers of sugar-cane a market for £17,000 worth of their produce. When in full operation, the works gave employment to about 10 Europeans and 300 natives. Ashtagrám sugar had won prizes at the London Exhibitions of 1851 and 1861, and an honourable mention at Paris in 1867. It was stated that the condition of the ráyats in the neighbourhood had been sensibly improved by the opening of these works. Recent information obtained from Mysore intimates that this once prosperous concern is now abandoned. A full description of the processes of manufacture is given in Mr. Rice's Gazetteer of Mysore and Coors, vol. i. pp. 447-449. END OF VOLUME X. MORRISON AND GIBR, EDINBURGH, PRINTERS TO HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE.