- (The Uillac Uma goes to the wings (R.) and addresses the people outside.)
Uillac Uma. O people, hear what I say:
The Inca, our King and our Lord,
Thus declares his imperial will:
Ollantay shall reign in his place.
People outside. Ollantay Ranti! Ollantay Ranti!
- (Shouts and acclamations.)
Tupac Yupanqui (to Rumi-ñaui and other chiefs.) You also render him homage.
Rumi-ñaui. Prince Ollantay! Incap Ranti!
Thy promotion gives me joy.
All the Antis now released,
Return rejoicing to their homes.
- (He and all the Chiefs bow to Ollantay.)
Guards without. You cannot pass. Go back! go back!
Voice without. Why, is this a festive day?
Let me pass. I must see the king;
I pray you do not stop me,
Do not drive me from the door;
If you stop me I shall die.
Have a care. You will kill me.
Tupac Yupanqui. What noise is that without?
Guard. It is a young girl who comes weeping
And insists upon seeing the king.
Tupac Yupanqui. Let her come in.
- (Enter Yma Sumac.)
Yma Sumac. Which is the Inca, my lord,
That I may kneel down at his feet?
Uillac Uma. Who art thou, charming maid?
Behold the King.
- (Yma Sumac throws herself at the King's feet.)
Yma Sumac. O my King! be thou my father,