Page:The Indian Antiquary, Vol. 4-1875.djvu/153

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no THE INDIAN ASTIQUASY. [Mat. plentiful groin iu the KaruAtuku country, ho has compiled on account of BflljETHTu. In it wo obtain full Informfttioi oc those kings who formerly mw I imcs, their good qualities, their castes, and the virtuous deeds that they performed. And memorials of tlitf acts which woro ilnno hy those soma kings am to be niut with, OVeO ba the present da Be [gam, and arc us w ritii.u bolOfl ; — BipuT and Be | gram were formerly gollectivoly called Jirnaiiitupura, and thero lived there the governor of the city of S A in n n t ftpftftft n fit whoso name was K u n t a m a r ft y it , a Jniuu by CfiotCb religious and cum passionate. So thf | had great joy and happinfAt. One day (it hup. jxtnedtbat) on woo bud com lie- Sooth Country Into tiit? fores t of A u a g o I a t of winch the name wna formerly HriHvagir i — remained there all night, because their rides did not permit ilium to advance a single footstep during I ho durkncMi.

l.i M ! in news reached K unta m nriiy a, the 

king, tho expressed assent qf bil wife Quauvuit, wont oat to too Sages and, having perforated respectful obeisance, bumx • as follows : — " <> mighty Hunts, take pifcj me and hosiaw 'your favour upon ma, M Hint

nay hemmo famous." Bat, as 1 heir

n was never to say anything ttt irigh& Accord- ingly the king returned homo in great desp< md oner, (and, as ho was going,) sparks of lire POTO the torches, and (dbn dry forest was . unit all those sages were burnt to .::i> I On the EnUowing day, in the early morning ilit- king again went into the fartot and saw that all those ■ had boon oanBcmedi When thrv im I hi:., both husband and uife wore- much terrified, and began to COtundoR Accordingly, thero and then, he proj>o- fcfcooo Jaina fate of nti&l email* im follows: " Let nv bring stone* and litsild lf/fl IflC, ihhI, whnn wo have performed ship to thom, f shall act Lha propagation ■:•: tog ." WltCO he had so said, they returned home, anJ, and in ncoordnnce with tlio above plan, lie CWXW I to bo built 1(m Jaina

tluit very pluee where there arc oven

at the present day some Jaina temples in i Iu Fort o f B i | g h in * After he had been initiated Into tho tnystorjm of tho Jnina faith and reigned for corner time, CJ uncivil' length became pra^mniis. And now, nUhoogh he hail been very anxious tltat his wife tdionld have children, his dread of not uaring any tiSkpring Tanwluil. On &OB OOOOtmJ to Bojglll .ii i u th r u p u r u. Sow the word In M-up-Ui i '. in &*a uumaer we arrive at the mi mu B e 1 g A rii . Afterwards there lived in Old Befgini, lu» aon of K mi taunt tttO kfa S i ly leurned in •!' the .'uina n Lhorxmsiily akillt-d in the worship of the go* I thlhers, very bravo, and landed by princ-t. WOO loo born aa tho ma Son uwi Moon, a HOpportOf of the ralea of faith of the KsliatriyoR; a priHcwor of Jaina Bagos, very skilful in ht>- ug on tho temples of Jbrmrfra that w whii h ronsistA in coartesans, dc- He had fourteen wives. The chief of thuiio -wives, by name Pa dmii va t •, waft vpryfamottfi- Sb a son by S ii n La named A n a n t a v t r y a, Oue day, attended by hja retinue of umid-aervaiiis, <8c<U ho (.*f«ntrt) M lie river Sudar- t, at n it netir V i 1 u r for the purpose of playing in the water, and in the lake of .N A gnt-. vara ho met I; y it thunderbolt. Than three luinudera of ttnto came from S a v a n t a - mid crowned Anantaviryn long. Ho also reigned according to the cuiitonu of his folhers. One duy many jki^vh, among whom Sudur&nna was the chief, arrivnd, W luj had mado rnspoetftil obeisnr Ann ;. a Irio,uirjd e»iieerniug his an - eosUitfi, »ud tboae sage. •y in which ha* been relati'd tho iuto of king 8 a n t u . Afterwards thero was a king of bis raeo and lineage by imat- M a 11 i k a r j n a a . During his roign a famotm Mu-iliam by name Asta i (Asnd Kh'm) eame from Buugnl, and. h acqnirud tho kingdom by trail deponed . • rthruw tlioseone hundred and eight t nd built a Ibrc. Even nL tiro present time wo find « tones (lickingbg to Lljose in the Fort).