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IV CONTENTS. PAGE Coorg Superstition's :—Demons and Deiies ... 168 The Coorgs : Polyandry 182 On the Karnataka Vaishnava Dasas 307 Rev. F. J. LEEPER, Tranqnebar:— Queries : Right and Left hand Castes, he use of the sacred thread ... ... (See rely, p. 2/4) 214 The Nalamyau 2B, 267, 324, 341 Capt. J. S. F. MACKENZIE, Maisur Coimission:— On the Rude Stone Archeology of iissan Dis¬ trict, Maisur 7 Hale Makkalu—(continued from vol.. p. 380) ... 20 The Menhirs of the Hassan District 40 TnE Ku'.uvaj?i of the Hassan District 65 On the Rules which govern Kanarese betry ... 109 Sravana Belligola 120 C. M., London Literary Note 274 Capt. S. B. MILES, Political Agent, Miuat Remains in Mekkan 165 A. K. NAIRNE, Bo. C.S., Bandora Musalmak Remains in the South Coiikan :— 1. Dabhol 278 ,, „ 2. Ports south of Itnagiri ... 317 V. N. NARSIMMIYENGAR, Bangalc— Marasa Vakkaligaru of Maisur 50 Legend of the Menhirs of Maisur 133 Legend of Rishya Syinga 140 Rev. MAURICE PHILLIPS, L.M.S., ilcm TnE Seven Pagodas 107 Tumuli in tho Salem District 223 PADMA NAO GHOSAL, Calcutta:- Etymology, &c. of Calcutta. ... ... ... 370 RICHARD PISCHEL, D. Th., Londc— On Prop. Hokknle’s Theory oflie Genitive Post-positious 121, 366 P. N. PUltNAIYA, B.A.t Yclimdoru* TnF. Calendar of Tipu Sultan 112 HIS HIGHNESS RAMA VARMA, K Prince of Travankor:— Inscriptions in the Pagodas of T^urangudi in Tinnovelli, and of Suehiudram in travankor ... 360 W. RAMSAY, Bo. C.S.:— The Hill of Sapta Sring ... 161 E. REHATSEK, M.C.E., Bombay An Embassy to Kiiata or China A.UlO; Trans¬ lated from tho Persian 75 Review: ‘The Prosody of the Pans,’ by H. Blochmann, M.A. ... ... 110 Hindu Pronunciation of Greek, l Greek Pro¬ nunciation of Hindu Words, trailed from the German of Dr. Weber 143 On Attraction and Repulsion, tslations from the Persian 151, 1*14, 241, 305, 337 Translation of Lassen’s Account be Jains. 193, 258 „ of a Persian Dooumei 282 Deri Phrases and Dialogues 331 B. LEWIS RICE, Acting Director otblic Instruc¬ tion, Maisur:— Nagamanoala Copperplates, tra.erated and translated, with remarks ... 155 Jaina Inscriptions at Sravana Bel ... 265, 322 RAM DAS SEN, Zamindar, Bcrhar- :— Letter—On Chand’s mention of Srf-sha 210 JOHN ROWLAND, Bengal U.C.S. Mount Abu 240 page W. F. SINCLAIR, Bo. C.S., Khandesh:— Notes on Junnar Taluk a io, .yj Note on a Buddhist Cave at Bhamer, Khandesh . 128 Notes on Natural History I. Snakes 171 Stone and Wooden Monuments in Western Khan¬ desh 201 List of Weapons used in the Dekhan and Khan¬ desh ..v 216 Notes and Legends connected with Animals :—II. Birds, Ac. 220 H. J. STOKES, M.C.S., Ncgapatam:— Walking through Fire ion DINSHA ARDESUIR TALEYARKHAN, Rajkot Legend of Vellur 172 T.:— Review : Narmada Sankara’s Narmakoia ... .. 203 KASHINATH TRIMBAK TELANG, M.A., LL.B.. Bombay:— On the Date of Sri Harsha 71 H. G. T., Vizagapatam :— Remark on the Note concerning Ancient Dravidian Numerals, p. 24 ‘>7 M. J. WALHOUSE, late M.C.S., London:- On some formerly existing Antiquities on the Nilgiris Major JOHN W. WATSON, Acting Political Superintendent, Pahlanpur:— The Story of Ran! Pingla 215 Legends of the Earlier Ciiudasama Ras of Ju- nagadh 312 Legend of Rani Tunk 330 Dr. ALBRECHT WEBER, Berlin :— Remarks on some articles in the Luluni Autiyu try. 57 On the Date of Patan-jat.i, translated from Luiis- ehe Studien by the Rev. D. C. Boyd, M.A. ... 61 Hindu Pronunciation of Gueek, and Greek Pro¬ nunciation of Hindu Words, translated by E. Rehatsek, M.C.E 113 On Patanjali, Ac . 206 CAPT. E. W. WEST, Assist. Political Agent, Kolha¬ pur :— Notes on Witchcraft and Demonology in Gujarat 13 Kari Dastur in Jesht PdrnimA 335 Note : Plurality of Village Headmen 338 REV. JOHN WILSON, D.D., Bombay: Memorandum ou the Shoe Question, os it affects the Parsis ... ... 21 JAMES WISE, M.D., DhAkA:— Query on Shfih Kubir ... ... . 97 F. N. WRIGHT, B.A., Oxon, B.C.S., Cawnpur:- Tiie Chandel Thaklrs 33 Colonel H. YULE, C.B., Palermo Notes on Supara, aud “the Discovery of Sans¬ krit”  % Sopeitties king of the Ktjkcoi 370 SELECTIONS AND MISCELLANEA. The PrifcliirAja Rasau—Extract from tho Kanhnpatti Prastav 22 Selections from Rev. Dr. Sherring’s Work on Castes 30, 00 The Hill Tribes of the Nilgiris 32