Page:The Indian Biographical Dictionary.djvu/24

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C.I., Order of the Crown of India.

C.I.E., Companion of the Indian Empire.

C.I.F., Charges, Insurance, Freight.

C.M., Master in Surgery.

C.M.G., Companion of Saints Michael and George.

C.S., Civil Service.

C.S.C., Conspicuous Service Cross.

C.S.I., Companion of the Star of India.

C.V.O., Companion of the Royal Victorian Order,

d., Daughter.

D.A.A.G., Deputy Assistant Adjutant General.

D-A.Q.M.G., Deputy Assistant Quarter Master General.

D.C.G., Deputy Commissary General.

D.C.L., Doctor of Civil Law.

D.D., Doctor of Divinity.

Dep., Deputation.

Dep., Department.

D.G.M., District Grand Master.

D.Lit., Doctor of Literature.

D.P.H., Doctor of Public Health.

D.P.W., Department of Public Works.

D.Sc, Doctor of Science.

D.S.O., Distinguished Service Order.

Dt., District.

educ., Educated.

e.s., Eldest son.

e.d., Eldest daughter.

E.I.C., East India Company.

Etc., &c., Etcetera, and other things.

Et.Seq., (L. et sequents), and the following.

Ex.Div., Exclusive of dividend.

Ex.Engr., Executive Engineer.

F.C.A., Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants,

F.C.H., Fellow of Cooper’s Hill College (Engineering).

F.C.P., Fellow of the College of Preceptors.

F.C.S., Fellow of the Chemical Society.

F.G.S., Fellow of the Geological Society.

F.L.S., Fellow of the Linnæan Society.

F.M.U., Fellow of the Madras University.

F.R.A.S., Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society.

F.R.C.S., Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons.

F.R.G.S., Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society.

F.R.H.S., Fellow of the Royal Horticultural Society.
