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lative Department), 1898, Secretary, Deccan Agricultural Relief Committee, 1892; Chief Secretary, 1903-4, Member, Board of Revenue, and of Telegraph Committee, 1907; Vice-Presidents Legislative Council, U.P.; acting Lt Governor, U.P., 1910-11 Address: Lucknow, India. Club: United Service.

Porter, William Ninnis, C.I.E. (1904). I.C.S., (retired); s. of William Porter of Indian Marine; b. 1849; educ: privately and at Caines College, Cambridge; joined I.C.S. 1879; appointed as Assistant District Superintendent, 1879; District Superintendent, 1S80; Assistant Commissioner, 1886; Deputy Commissioner, 1890; Commissioner, 1903; retired, 1903; served during Burma War, 1885-93. Address: Northcott House, 46, Willbery Road, Hove. Club, East India United Service.

Powell, B. B., M.A., Bar-at-Law, Public Prosecutor and Government Pleader (retired), Madras; s. of late Erye Burton Powell of the Presidency College, Madras; called to Bar in Ireland, 1871; Government Pleader and Public Prosecutor, Madras, from 1885 till retirement. Publications: many poems on Indian topics; Indian Trusts Act. Address: Dublin, Ireland.

Prag, Naraian Bhargava, Rai Bahadur, Allahabad; s. of late Munshi Newal Kishore, C.I.E.; b. 1872; educ: Canning College; Allahabad; an ardent agriculturist, and carried out important experiments in the cultivation of field and garden produce; erected a thakuradwara called Nauji Saraswati Ghat on the banks of the Goomati in memory of his mother; Honorary Magistrate; Member, British Indian Association, Oudh; Member, Upper India Chamber of Commerce; Director, Upper India Paper Mills Company; Proprietor, the Newal Kishore Press, the Lucknow Iron Works, the Newal Kishore Ice Factory, and the “Oudh Achar”; owns considerable landed property in Aligarh, Gonda, Bara Banki, etc.; President, U.P., Industrial Conference held at Gorakhpur, 1915, Publications: Who’s Who in India, etc. Address: Lucknow, U. P., India.

Prain, Lt.-Col. Sir David, Kt. (1912) C.M.G. (1912); C.I.E. (1906) M.A., M.B., LL.D., F.R.S.E., F.L.S, F.R.S., Director, Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew; b. 1857; educ: Parish School, Fettercarn Grammar School, Aberdeen; joined service as Demonstrator of Anatomy, College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, 1882; joined I.M.S. 1881; Curator, Calcutta Herberium, 1887-98; Professor of Botany, Medical College, Calcutta, 1855-1905; Director. Botanical Survey of India and Superintendent, Royal Botanical Gardens, Calcutta, 1898-05; Trustee, Indian Museum, 1898-04; Secretary, Board of Scientific Advice, India, 1903-4; Fellow, Calcutta University, 1900-5; Member, Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1904; Vice-President, Council Linnean Society, 1906-10; President, Botanical Section of British Association, 1909; Member, Victoria Royal Agricultural Society, 1912; President, S.E. Union of Scientific Societies, 1912. Publications: Botanical Monographs and Papers. Address: Royal Gardens, Kew,