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Rajagopala Chariar.

British service, 3rd March 1902; Registrar of Co-operative Credit Societies (the first to be appointed to the Office) July 1904; services lent to H.H. the Maharaja of Travancore; Dewan of Travancore, 1907-14; again reverted to British service, 1914. Address: “Lakshmi Villas”, Commander-in-Chief Road, Egmore, Madras, India.

Raj Krishan, Rai Sahib, Diwan of Sailana State; Kashmiri brahmin; s. of Pandit Jwalanath; 1st appointed as Agency Vakil; subsequently resigned and became Chief Magistrate of Jarol; Personal Assistant to the Minister; returned to Sailana and was appointed Diwan, 1898; worked during the Famine of 1899-1900; Chairman, Board of Directors of the Bank of Sailana. Address; Sailana, Malwa Agency, Central India.

Rajkot, Thakur Sahib of; Lakhaji Bawaji; b. 1885; succeeded to gaddi, 1890; formally installed, 1907; educ: Rajkumar College; belongs to same family as those of Cutch and Marvi; holds a sanad authorizing adoption; the State is an offshoot of Nawanagar and follows the rule of primogeniture in matters of succession; the town of Rajkot contains fine buildings and up-to-date institutions; the Raj Kumar College for which Rajkot has become so famous, owes its existence to the labours of Colonel Keatings, V.C., the then Political Agent; Rajkot is also famous as being the headquarters of the Agent to the Governor General, in Kathiawar; area of the State, 202 sq. miles; population, 50,000; revenue, 3 lakhs; it is a 2nd class State in the Kathiawar Agency, and its Chief is entitled to a salute of 9 guns; pays tribute also to the Nawab of Junagarh. Recreation: Cricket. Address: Rajkot, Kathiawar, Bombay Presidency, India.

Rajamahandara Ranjan, Hon’ble, Rai Bahadur, elected Member, Bengal Legislative Council. Address: Calcutta. India.

Rajan, A. T., M.A., I.C.S., Burma; s. of late Arunachala Sastri; b. Vinukonda, Krishna District, Madras Presidency, 1883; educ: C.M.S. High School, Ellore, the Board High School, Amalapuram, the Government College, Rajamandry, and the Christian College, Madras; passed B.A. 1902; M.A. (1st class), 1904; proceeded to England as a Government of India Scholar, and joined the Trinity College, Cambridge, 1904; passed I.C.S., 1907; returned to India and was posted to Burma as Assistant Commissioner, 1907; Offg. District Judge, Prome, 1910. Address: Prome, Burma.

Rajaram Rao, S. M., Rao Sahib (1911), Editor and Proprietor, The “Wednesday Review”, Trichinopoly; Member, Municipal Council, Srirangam; contested for a seat in the Madras Legislative Council on behalf of the Southern Group of Municipalities. Publication: Biographical sketch of Sir S. Subramania Aiyar, Address: Srirangam, Trichinopoly District, Madras Presidency, India.

Rajaram Rao, T., Rao Sahib; b. 1864; educ: Madras Presidency College; a keen geologist; discovered the existence of plumbago and diamonds in the Kistna