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Rawlinson, Lt.-Col. Charles Brook, C.I.E. (1905); Revenue Coinniis sioner, N.W.F.P,, since 1910; b. 1886; educ: Marlborough; joined service in the Army, 1885; Assistant Commissioner, 1889; Captain, 1896; Deputy Commissioner, N.W.F. Province, 1901; Major, 1903. Address: Peshawar, India.

Ray, A. K., M.A., M.R.A.C, Provincial Civil Service, Bengal; belongs to an ancient and much respected Kanouj family; claims to be 27th in descent from Vedagarbha (the most learned in the Vedas); educ: Government College, Hoogly; passed B.A. (heading the list), 1879; obtained the record stipend and joined the Presidency College, Calcutta; passed M.A. (with Honours), 1880; joined the Rajshahi College as Professor of Science, 1881; proceeded to England, 1882; joined the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, and passed the M.R.A.C. with first class Honours; obtained the life membership and a money prize of the Royal Agricultural Society, England; returned to India and joined the Provincial Civil Service, Bengal; filled all the lower ranks of the service and was in charge of important Sub-divisions; received commendations for his work in connection with the Excise, Settlement, Registration, Land acquisition, and Census Departments; conducted operations under the Bengal Tenancy Act, and was the first to submit the final report; thanked by Government for his compilation on the ‘Land values of Calcutta’ which was circulated to all District Officers; acted as Collector of Balasore; transferred to the Presidency Division. Publications: Census Report of Calcutta, 1900; Impressions in England; Short History of Calcutta; Gojatir Unnati; Goseba, Part I; Krishi O Gomay; and a large number of contributions to periodicals. Address: Calcutta, India.

Ray, Profulla Chandra, C.I.E., (1912); D.Sc. (Edin.); Ph.D. (Cal.); Senior Professor of Chemistry, Presidency College, Calcutta, since the beginning of his career; b. 1861; educ: Calcutta, and Edinburgh University, at latter of which he graduated D.Sc.; Hon D.Sc, Durham University, 1912; Fellow of A.S. of Bengal and of Chemical Society. Publications: History of Hindu Chemistry; many contributions on nitrates in the Journal of Chemical Society &c. Address: Presidency Collge, Calcutta.

Ray, Sarat Chandra, Editor, “Hindu Patriot”, Calcutta; 2nd s. of late Brojonath Ray; b. Calcutta, 1862; educ: Hare School, Calcutta; took to Journalism from about his 17th year; joined Government service as Assistant in the Foreign Office; worked in the Military Accounts Department; resigned and reverted to journalism; was connected with various Newspapers such as the ‘Amrita Bazar Patrika’, the ‘Indian Echo’, ‘Gup and Gossip’, ‘Beaver’, ‘National Guardian’, ‘Power’, ‘Saturday Herald’, and the ‘Bengalee’; joined the staff of the ‘Hindu Patriot’ as Joint Editor when it was a daily paper; has been Editor since its conversion into a weekly; m. the daughter of late Purna Chandra Mitter of Mozufferpur; Private Secretary to Maharaja Bahadur Sir Prodyot Coomar Tagore; Assistant Secretary, British Indian Association. Address: 49, Pathuriaghatta Street, Calcutta;