Page:The Indian Biographical Dictionary.djvu/408

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Rogers, Leslie, Secretary, Bombay Chamber of Commerce since 1905; has vast experience in tea planting; is President of the Planters Association, Dehra Dhun; delegate to Conference summoned by Sir James Lyall’s for the purpose of re-opening the old trade routes to the markets of Afghanistan and Central Asia; constant contributor to the “Pioneer”, and other papers on Tea Planting, etc. Publication: “Telephotography in Modern Warfare”. Address: Dehra Dhun, India.

Rolland, Col. Alexander Tulloch, Indian Army (Retired). Joined the Service in the Madras Army as Ensign, 1856; served as Assistant Superintendent and Superintendent; transferred to Police Department as Deputy Inspector-General, 1885; acted as Commissioner of Police, Madras, 1889; reverted to Military Dpartment, 1893.

Rose, Benjamin James, India Office, London; joined service in the India Office, 1871; Technical Assistant in the Revenue and Statistics Department, 1882; Clerk to Special Assistant, 1891; Clerk for special duties, 1899; Honorary Secretary to the Indian and Ceylon Committees of the Royal Commission, Paris Exhibition, 1900; in charge of India Trade Enquiry Office, 1902; won a Gold medal for statistical diagrams, showing the condition and progress of British India; prepared an abstract Catalogue of the Indian section of the Amsterdam Exhibition. Publications: Reports on Wheat and Madras Tobacco; and official report on Indian Section of the Paris Exhibition, 1900. Address: India Office, London.

Rose, George Pringle, C.I.E. (1892), A.M.I.C.E., Indian P.W.D. (retired); educ: R.I.E. College; joined service as Assistant Engineer, 1897; posted to State Railways, 1878; became Executive Engineer, 1891; Services lent to the Government of H.H. the Nizam of Hyderabad, 1895; in Charge of Nizam’s State Railway Company, 1897-1900; Junior Consulting Engineer for Railways in India, 1902; retired, 1904. Address: c/o India Office, London,

Ross, Sir Edward Charles, Kt. (1892), C.S.I. (1882); b. 1836; s. of D. R. Ross, M.P.; educ: at Edinburgh Academy; entered Indian Military Service, 1855; served with Central India Field Force in the Mutiny, 1857-8; joined political service, 1863; Resident in Persian Gulf and Consul-General for Fars, 1863-91; m. Sarah, d. of Col. C. S. Whitehill, 1862. Address: 8, Beaufort Road, Clifton, Bristol.

Ross, Edward Denison, Ph.D., M.R.A.S,, F.A.S.B., C.I.E. (1912) Asst. in prints and Drawings Dept., British Museum, since 1914; b. 1871; y.s. of late Rev. Alexander J. Ross, D.D.; m. Dora, daughter of William Thomas Robinson; 1904; educ: Marlborough, and University College, London; studied Oriental languages in Paris and Strassburg; undertook tours in Russia, Asia Minor, Central Asia, China, and Persia; joined service as Professor of Persian, University College, London, 1896-1901; Fellow, University College, London; Fellow, Calcutta University, Foreign Corresponding Member, the Hungarian Academy; Assistant Secretary in the Home Department; Principal, Calcutta Madrasah