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day; is a member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers! Member, American Society C.E; M.A.I, honoris causa; L.C.E. Trinity College, Dublin. Publications: Has written on technical education, light railways for District Boards in India and on the training and control of great rivers; many reports on Madras harbour and its improvement. Address; Harbour, Madras. Clubs: Oriental, Bengal, Bengal United Service, Madras.

Srikanteswara Aiyer, Coimbatore; Diwan Bahadur, (1914); B.A., B.L.; Inspector-General of Police, Mysore; M.L.C., Mysore, since 1913; s. of late Mr. C. Subba Rao, formerly of the Mysore service; b. 1862; B.A., 1885; B.L., 1886; joined Mysore service, 1887; served in various lower grades till 1891; became Probationary Assistant Commissioner, Bangalore; Private Secretary to late Dewan Sir K. Seshadri Aiver, 1895-96; and again in 1898 and in 1900; Assistant Secretary, Mysore Government, 1895-96 , Deputy Commissioner, July 1906; Inspector-General of Police, Mysore, since 1909. Address: Bangalore, Mysore State.

Srimati, Mahadevi, K.I.H. (1906), Honorary Lady Superintendent, Kannya Patasala, Dehra Dun; 2nd d. of Rai .-rohanlal, late Translator to Government of Lower Provmces; b. 1872; educ: Privately; proficient in English and Sanskrit; m. Babu Joti Swarup Sahib, a Pleader in Dehra Dun; opened the Kannya Patasala for girls, 1902; started the Sri Unnati Sabha to spread education among and raise the social status of females, 1907. Address: 23, Lytton Road, Dehra Dun.

Srinivasa Iyengar, Ramanujapuram Anantham Pillai; Rao Sahib (1887); B.A., B.C.E., Executive Engineer, Madras; b. 1864; B.A., 1883; B.C.E.. 1886; joined service as Assistant Engineer, 1886; Ag. Executive Engineer, 1832; in charge of division, August 1883; Executive Engineer, 1911; in charge of Madras and Chingleput divisions, 1912. Address: Gangatheswarer Koil Street, Purasawalkam, Madras.

Srinivasacharlu, A., Rai Bahadur (1887); Muzrai Superintendent and Secretary to Government in Muzrai Department, Mysore (Retd.); formerly Inspector-General of Registration, and Registrar of Joint Stock Companies in Mysore; reorganized the Department on its present basis and made Caste disputes in temple worship impossible in the State; was for many years Vice-President and afterwards President of the Bangalore City Muncipality, in which capacities he rendered much valuable service to the State; beautified the town in many respects and made it a place worthy of its fame. Address: Lal Bagh Road, Bangalore, Mysore State; Srirangam, Madras Presidency.

Srinivasa Iyengar, C., Rajamanthrapravina. (1904); Diwan Bahadur (1914) 1st Member of Council, Mysore (Rtd.); M.L.C, Mysore, since July 1913; b. 1850; educ: at Bangalore; entered service at an early age; served in the Postal department, and in the Offices of the Chief Commissioner and the Judicial