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dian Industrial Conference, Amraoti, 1906; joined the staff of the ‘Leader’, Allahabad, 1909; was Manager of that paper, 1911-13; became its Editor, 1913, was Secretary to the First Industrial Conference; Secretary, Second All-India Temperance Conference and Secretary to the 21st Indian National Congress Committee; became Director, Newspapers, Ltd., Allahabad, 1911; Secretary, Hume Memorial Fund, U.P.; Member, All-India Congress Committee since 1908; presided at the U.P. Social Conference held at Bareilly, 1911; presided at the 7th Industrial Conference held at Fyzabad, 1913; presided at the 7th District Conference, Vizagapatam, 1913; twice married; 2 sons. Publications: Speeches and Writings of Sir P. M. Mehta; Indian Social Reform. Address: 14 A , South Road, Allahabad, U.P., India.

Chota Udaipur, Raja of; Maharawal Shri Fatehsinhji Motisinhji; b. 1884; succeeded to the estate, 1895; scion of the family of Chahan Rajputs; holds a sanad of adoption and is entitled to a salute of 9 guns; bears the title of Maharawal; area, 873 square miles; population, about 65,000; revenue, Rs. 100,000. Address: Chota Udaipur, Kathiawar Agency, Bombay Presidency, India.

Cochin, Raja of; H.H. Raja Rama Varma; nephew of the penultimate Raja; has a fair knowledge of Sanskrit and English; b. 1860; was Manager of the property of the senior Ranee of the Cochin Kovilagam; succeeded to the Raja after his abdication of the throne, November 1914; installed on the gaddi with full administrative powers, January 1915. Address: Tiruppanithurai, Ernaculam, Cochin State, S. India.

D’Angelis, Giacomo, Senior Partner, Messrs. G. D’Angelis & Son, Hotel Proprietors, Confectioners and Up-country Caterers, Madras; s. of G. Franceso; b. Messina, Italy, 1850; educ: Lyiee; apprenticed to Confectionary trade in France and was Confectioneer in the service of the Duke of Buckingham, and Chandos a former Governor of Madras; set up business, 1881; purchased the site where he is now carrying on his business over 20 years ago; improved his property by building gardens, etc. Address: Mount Road, Madras, India.

Dighapatia, Raja of; Hon’ble Ral Pramanath; claims descent from one Dayaram Rai, who is said to have been created Rai Rayan by the Nawac Nizam of Bengal; b. 1873; a generous contributor to works of public utility; represented the land holders in Eastern Bengal and Assam in the Imperial Legislative Council; title of Raja (personal), 1897. Address: Dighapatia, Rajashahi; also Calcutta, and Darjeeling, India.

Gibbs, H. P., M.A.I.E.E., M.I.E.E., Chief Electrical Engineer to Government of Mysore (Retd.); Consulting Electrical Engineer, Mysore; Chief Electrical Engineer, Tata Hydro-Electric Works, Bombay; b. Westfield, Mass, U.S.A., 1871; educ: Westfield Public School;