Page:The Indian Biographical Dictionary.djvu/76

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Chagai, Baluchistan, 1905-6. Has twice completed overland journey from India to Europe on horseback. Address: Quetta, Baluchistan, India. Cavalry, Imperial and Colonial Clubs.

Bennett, Thomas Jewell, C.I.E. 1903; Principal Proprietor of the Times of India, Bombay; s. of late J. T. Bennett, of Wisbech, Cambridgeshire; took to journalism early in life; was for some years assistant Editor, “Western Daily Press”, Bristol; joined the leader-writing staff of the “Standard”; proceeded to Bombay, 1884; for eight years Associate Editor, the Bombay Gazette; succeeded to the editorship and the principal proprietary interest in the “Times of India”: was presented by the agriculturists of Guzerat with an address thanking him for the successful persistency with which he had brought the grievances of the cultivating class to the notice of Government, 1901; awarded a silver medal of the Society of Arts for a paper on the British connection with the Persian Gulf, 1902; nominated by the Bombay Government as a Fellow of the Bombay University. Address: Harmarton House, Speldhurst, Kent. Clubs Oriental; and Byculla.

Benson, Percy Hugh, M.B., C.M., M.R.C.S., M.S., Retired Surgeon-General, Madras; Born, 1852; Entered service in the Madras General Hospital, 1874; Zilla Surgeon with medical charge of Central Jail, Coimbatore, 1875; Medical Officer in charge of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales’ Camp, Annamalai Hills Septer. 1875; Doing duty with C. 9th Battery Royal Artillery, Bangalore, November 1875; acted in Vizianagaram and Bimlipatam till 1876; transferred to Mysore service and posted as Civil Surgeon-Shimoga, 1876-79; Civil Surgeon and Supdt of Mysore and Keekarapalli Jails and Chemical Analyst, Mysore, 1880; Residency Surgeon, Bangalore, 1881; acted in various other places in the State and became Senior Surgeon and Sanitary Commissioner, Mysore 1892; on duty with H.H. the Maharaja from 13th December 1893 to 5th March 1894; Surgeon Lieutenant-Colonel, 1894: again on duty with H.H. the Maharaja till 3rd January 1895; Senior Surgeon, and ex-officio Sanitary Commissioner and Inspector-General of Prisons, Bangalore, 1901; transferred to Burma Service, 1902; transferred to Military Department and appointed as Principal Medical Officer, Madras Brigade, 1904; Principal Medical Officer, Banga-Officer, Madras Brigade, 1905; reverted to Madras service and appointed as Surgeon-General with the Government of Madras, April 1906, Retired, 1908. Address: c/o India Office, London.

Benson, Sir Ralph Sillery, Kt. (1906), Puisne Judge, Madras (Retd.); b. 1851; s. of Charles Benson, sometime President, Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin; m. 1876, Fanny, d. of Rev. W. Gilbert-Cooper, M.A.; Educ.: Trinity College. Dublin (M.A., LL.B.); Entered I.C.S. 1873; Barrister, Middle Temple, 1887; Assistant Collector of Salem. 1873; Judge High Court, 1896; Retired, 1913; was Vice-Chancellor, Madras University, for a few years; gave evidence before the Royal Commission on Public Services, 1913. Club: Dublin University.

Benton, John: C.I.E. 1902; Chief Engineer and Secretary to Government, Punjab Irrigation Branch;