Page:The Indian Journal of Medical Research, 1920.djvu/17

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R. W. Fisher.

lines, at an estimated cost of Rs. 1,32,000, and the establishment of a suitable staff, at an estimated cost of Rs. 13,020 per annum in salaries. The scheme, with some minor modifications, was approved by Government,— funds were allotted, the land acquired and building of the new Institute was begun in 1907. The Institute was completed in 1910 and the work was transferred there in August of that year.

Method of Preparation and Purification of the Vaccine Lymph.

The supply of calves.—Calves are obtained from contractors of Belgaum. They supply all the calves required on a hire system. Rs. 4-8-0 per calf is paid for hire. The calves are carefully examined and selected on arrival at the dip enclosure. Unhealthy calves are rejected

Fig. 1.

Inoculated Calves' Stable.
Inoculated Calves' Stable.

Inoculated Calves' Stable.