Page:The Indian Journal of Medical Research, 1920.djvu/186

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THE CORRELATION BETWEEN THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF ANTHELMINTICS AND THEIR THERAPEUTIC VALUES IN CONNECTION WITH THE HOOKWORM INQUIRY IN THE MADRAS PRESIDENCY. BY Eev. Father J. F. CAIUS, s.j., m.s.c.i. (Paris), Professor, St. Joseph's College, Trichinoj)oly, AND Dr. K. S. MHASKAR, m.d., m.a.,, d.p.h., d.t.m. & h., Officer in charge Anhjlostomiasis Inquiry in the Madras Presidency. [Received for publication, July 13, 1920.] VII. OLEUM EUCALYPTI. History. It is mostly in combination with chlorofonii that oil of (Micalyptus ha.s ))een used a.s an anthelmintic in ankylostomiasis. The few cases in which it was administered alone were meant for the purpose of invB'^tigating its mode of action in the combined treatment. Schultz (1911 )' concluded from its action on dogs that eucalyptus is j)rol)jil)ly superfluous and at best is simj)ly an ;ii(l to cIMorofonn. Diirliiii^' Piiirber, iiiid lliirker ( I!H(S )2 stated that eucalyptus iaid<s very low as a vermicide, but. nevertheless, seems to aid chloroform in its action. ( 372 )