Page:The Indian Journal of Medical Research, 1920.djvu/193

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THE CORRELATION BETWEEN THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF ANTHELMINTICS AND THEIR THERAPEUTIC VALUES IN CONNECTION WITH THE HOOKWORM INQUIRY IN THE MADRAS PRESIDENCY. BY Rev. Father J. F. CAIUS, s.j., m.s.c.i. 'Paris), Projessar, St. Joseph's College, Trichinopoly, AND Dr. K. S. MHASKAR, m.d., m.a.,, d.p.h., d.t.m. & h., Officer in charge Ankylostomiasis Inquiry in the Madras Presidency. [Received for publicatiou, July 1:3, 1920.] Vlll. CHLOROFORM. History. In 1897, Cariatu^ drew attention to the value of the internal administration of chloroform in cases of tapeworm, and adopted a mode of treatment first described by an American writer in 1888. Moderate diet for two days — but no fasting ; and then, in the course of eight hours, the patient takes from 45 minims to one drachm of pure chloroform in syrup, a quarter of it at each dose, and a dose every two hours ; after that a dose of castor oil is given. There were no symptoms of poisoning and no ill effects. Schultz (1911)2 found that chloroform was very effective against hookworms in the dog, and stated that should the chloroform-castot ( 379 )