Page:The Indian Journal of Medical Research, 1920.djvu/198

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THE CORRELATION BETWEEN THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF ANTHELMINTICS AND THEIR THERAPEUTIC VALUES IN CONNECTION WITH THE HOOKWORM INQUIRY IN THE MADRAS PRESIDENCY. BY Rev. Father J. F. CAIUS, s.j., m.s.c.i. (Paris), Professor. St. Joseph's College, Trichinopoly, AND Dr. K. S. MHASKAR, m.d., m.a.,, d.p.h,, d.t.m. & h., Officer in charge Ankylostomiasis Inquiry in the Madras Presidency. [Received for publication, July 13, 1920.] IX. THE EUCALYPTUS-CHLOROFORM MIXTURE. History. Hermann was the first o substitute eucaly])tuR for male fern in the treatment of ankylostomiasis in the mines of Mons, in Jielgium, The treatment lasted eif^ht days. On the first day the patient was L'iven on an empty stomach Eucalyptus . . . . . . . . 2 grammes. (Jlilorfiform . . . . . . . . 3 grammes. Castor oil , . . . 40 grammes. Two days after, WO ^^ranuiu's (•jijorolorin water (1 )ier cejit) and 10 uramnies sodium sulphate were administered in four portions at ( 38i )