Page:The Indian Journal of Medical Research, 1920.djvu/5

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Ohosh, S. Chemical Investigation in connection with Leprosy

Inquiiy. Part II 211

Fisher, R. W. The Vaccine Institute, Belgaum. A Record of its History and Work... 216

Patton, W. S. Some Notes on the Arthropods of Medical and Veterinary Importance in Mesopotamia and on their Relation to Disease. Part IV. Some Mesopotamian Xematocera of Economic Importance . ...... 245

Patton, W. S. Some Notes on the Arthropods of Medical and Veterinary Impoi'tance in Mesopotamia and on their Relation to Disease. Part V. Some ^Miscellaneous Arthropods . 253 Harvey, W. F. Vaccine Lymph. Production, Preparation and

Pr servation .......•• 257

Harvey, W. F. Bacteriological and Laboratory Technique . 270

Senior-White, R. A. A Survey of the Culicidae of a Rubber

Estate . • . . . ^ 304

-Greig, E. D. W. Observations on the Pathology and

Bacteriology of Influenza . . . . • • 326

■Chatter JI, K. K., and Sex, R. N. Chemical Composition of

Nim or Margosa Oil . . . . • • • ^56

•CuRJEL, Dagmar F. The Weight at Birth of Infants in India . 363 €urjel, Dagmar F. The Reproductive Life of Indian Women 366 <Jaius, J. F., and Mhaskar, K. S. The Correlation between the Chemical Composition of Anthelmintics and their Therapeutic Values in coimection with the Hookworm Inquiry in the Madras Presidency. No. VII— Oleum Eucalypti ...••••• 37l

•Caius, J.' F., and Mhaskar, K. S. The Correlation between the Chemical Composition of Anthelmintics and their Therapeutic Values in connection with the Hookworm Inquiry in the Madras Presidency. No. VIII— Chloroform, 379 Caius, J. F., and Mhaskar, K. S. The Correlation between Chemical Composition and Anthelmintics and their the Therapeutic Values in connection with the Hookworm Inquiry in the Madras Presidency. No. IX— The Eucalyptus- Chloroform Mixture ....••• °*^ Mhaskar, K. S. The Prevalence of Ankylostomiasis in the Madras Presidency. No. III. Hookworm Infection as a predisposing Factor in ^ledical Diseases . . . • 395 Mhaskar, K. S. Hookworm Infection and Sanitation . 398 Appeal from the Chairman, Blinded Soldiers' and Saih^-s' Care

Committee, London .....•• ^07