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Havelock beats the Rebels at Aoung.

guard himself, he sent Tytler to the front with about a third of the force. Tytler ordered two companies of the Madras Fusiliers, under Renaud, to dislodge the rebels from the hamlet they had seized. Renaud started on this errand with his habitual gallantry, and carried it out thoroughly, though at the cost of his own life. He was struck in the thigh by a bullet, and died two days afterwards. Meanwhile, Maude's battery had come to the front and had begun to play on the intrenchment. The issue of his fire was not long doubtful. After a few rounds the rebels gave way. In the interval their cavalry had made a wide detour, in order to come round and plunder the baggage of the advancing force. A sergeant of the Highlanders, who had charge of it, saw them coming, and collecting his men, received them with so sharp a fire that they were glad to make off. Again did the enemy's guns fall into the hands of the victors. But they had fought better, and their fire had inflicted more damage, than had been the case at Fathpur.

But the work of the day was not yet over. The fight had lasted fully two hours. As the soldiers were resting after it, in the position whence they had dislodged the rebels, reports were brought to Havelock that the latter had retired to a very strong position, covered by a rivulet, swollen by the rains, known as Pándu Nadí. As the rivulet was unfordable at the season, Havelock recognised the importance of securing the stone bridge which crossed it ere it should be destroyed by the rebels. He therefore pushed on without delay, and after marching three miles came in sight of the rivulet, the stone bridge intact, and the rebels in force, covered by earthworks, on the opposite side. Another second and a puff of smoke, followed by the pounding shot, revealed the fact that the bridge was guarded by a twenty-four-pound gun and a twenty-five-