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The Fighting in Lakhnao begins.

mate to the defenders of the Residency the near approach of relief.

The 23d promised to be a day of action. Lakhnao was but sixteen miles distant. The wind no longer bore to the British Camp the customary sound of the booming of heavy guns against the Residency. It was plain that the rebels were concentrating their resources for a stern defence of the city. Havelock gave the men their breakfasts, and then moved forward. It was half-past eight. For some time no enemy was visible. But as the troops approached the Álambagh, some infantry appeared on their flanks, and they soon had evidence that the rebels were prepared to receive them at and near that walled garden. Havelock then halted his men, changed the order of his march from right to left in front, bringing Hamilton's brigade to the left front, their route lying across broken and heavy ground. Eyre's heavy battery then opened on the enemy's batteries, which occupied a tope of trees in front of his centre and left, whilst Olpherts was despatched to the left to cover the movement of the second brigade (Hamilton's) against the right, Barrow's cavalry leading. Overcoming every obstacle, Olpherts' battery took a position on the rebels' right flank and opened fire. The rebels on the left and centre, crushed meanwhile by the play of Eyre's guns, then gave way; but the Álambagh remained, and two guns were firing on the British force from embrasures in its wall. To capture these Neill sent forward a wing of the 5th Fusiliers. The 5th, with their habitual gallantry, stormed the wall. Whilst they were engaged in a fierce fight for the two pieces, Captain Burton of the 78th had forced the main entrance, and rushed to their aid, taking the defenders of the guns in reverse. The Madras Fusiliers followed. The men of the three regiments did their work so well that in ten minutes the Álambagh was