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Nicholson beats the Rebels at Najafgarh.

On the 7th of August Nicholson arrived, as stated in the last chapter, in advance of his troops. On the 12th Showers expelled the rebels from Ludlow Castle, which meanwhile they had managed to occupy. On the 14th Nicholson's column arrived. On the 25th he marched, with a strong force, to attack the rebels, who had moved from Dehlí in great strength to intercept the siege-train. The march took him through marshy ground, intersected with swamps, and lasted a good twelve hours. At length, close upon sunset, the weary soldiers espied the rebels, composed of the Nímach brigade, occupying two villages and a caravansarai, protected by guns and covered by deep water, fordable only in one place. The British, however, waded through the ford, which was breast high, under a fire from the guns at the caravansarai. Against this Nicholson directed his own attack, whilst he sent his other troops against the villages. Addressing his men a few cheering words, he ordered them to lie down. Then the batteries of Tombs and Remmington opened fire. After a few rounds he ordered the men to rise, and he led them through the still marshy ground, they cheering loudly. Needless to say, they carried the position. At the same time the other troops had driven the rebels from the two villages. The sipáhís fought well, but only the Nímach brigade was there, that from Barélí, which had been ordered to support it, not having come up in time. When they found that they were beaten, the sipáhís limbered up their guns and made for the bridge crossing the Najafgarh canal. But Nicholson pursued and caught them, killed about 800 of them, and captured thirteen guns. He then blew up the bridge, and the troops returned next day to Dehlí, taking their spoils with them. Ten days later, the 4th of September, the siege-guns arrived, the remainder of the 60th Rifles on the 6th, and