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Outram at the Álambágh.

time they made no attempt to disturb Outram. But as time passed the memory of the losses they then sustained faded, and on the 22d December they made a skilfully conceived attempt to sever Outram's communications with Banní. But the British general was well served by his spies, and catching the rebels whilst marching to execute their plan, he inflicted upon them a very severe defeat.

About a fortnight later Outram despatched to Kánhpur a convoy of empty carts, guarded by 530 men and four guns. The rebels soon obtained information of this movement, and believing that the force resting on the Álambágh had been severely crippled, they determined to make a supreme effort to destroy Outram. Accordingly, on the 12th, they issued from Lakhnao to the number of 30,000. They massed this body opposite to the extreme left of Outram's position, then gradually extended it so as to face his front and left. To the front attack Outram opposed two brigades, the one consisting of 733 English troops, the other of 713, whilst he directed the ever-daring Olpherts to take four guns, and, supported by the men of the military train, to dash at the overlapping right of the rebels. Olpherts fell on them just as they were developing their overlapping movement, and not only compelled them to renounce it, but to fall back in confusion. The two brigades operating against the centre were equally successful. They not only drove back the rebels, but foiled an insidious movement which their leader was planning against the right of the British position. By four o'clock the rebels were in full flight. Their losses were heavy.

But the famous Maulaví, one of the chief authors of the rebellion, was in Lakhnao, and the Maulaví had sworn that he would capture the convoy despatched with empty carts to Kánhpur, but now returning with the carts laden. Accordingly, on the night of the 14th, he quitted Lakhnao