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Harper cO Brothers Popular Novels. PRIOK BLACK'S (W.) Sabina Zembra 12mo, Cloth, $1 25 ; 4to, Paper$ 2U Shandon Bells. Illustrated 12mo, Cloth, 125; 4to, Paper 20 Sunrise 12mo, Cloth, 126; 4to, Paper 15 That Beautiful Wretch. Iird...l2mo, Cloth, 125; 4to, Paper 20 The Maid of Killeena, and Other Stories Svo, Paper 40 The Monarch of Mincing-Lane. Illustrated Svo, Paper 50 The Strange Adventures of a House-Boat. Illustrated. 12nio, Cloth 1 25 Svo, Paper 50 The Strange Adventures of a Phaeton. 12mo, Cloth, $1 25 ; Svo, Pa. 50 Three Feathers. Illustrated 12mo, Cloth, $1 25; Svo, Paper 50 White Heather 12mo, Cloth, 125; 4to, Paper 20 White Wings. Illustrated 12mo, Cloth, 125; 4to, Paper 20 Yolande. Illustrated 12mo, Cloth, 125; 4to, Paper 20 BLACKMORE'S (R. D.) Alice Lorraine Svo, Paper 50 Christowell 4to, Paper 20 Clara Vaughan 4to, Paper 15 Cradock Nowell Svo, Paper 60 Cripps, the Carrier. Illustrated Svo, Paper 50 Erema Svo, Paper 50 Lorna Doone 12mo, Cloth, $1 00; Svo, Paper 25 Mary Anerley 16nio,Cloth, 100; 4to, Paper 15 Springhaven. Illustrated 12mo, Cloth, 150; 4to, Paper 25 The Maid of Sker Svo, Paper 50 Tommy Upmore 16mo, Cloth, 50 cts.; Paper, 35 cts.; 4to, Paper 20 BRADDON'S (Miss) An Open Verdict Svo, Paper 35 A Strange World Svo, Paper 40 Asphodel 4to, Paper 15 Aurora Floyd Svo, Paper 40 Barbara; or, Splendid Misery 4to, Paper 15 Birds of Prey. Illustrated Svo, Paper 50 Bound to John Company. Illustrated Svo, Paper 50 Charlotte's Inheritance Svo, Paper 35 Cut by the County 16mo, Paper 25 Dead Men's Shoes Svo, Paper 40 Dead Sea Fruit. Illustrated Svq, Paper 50 Eleanor's Victorj' Svo, Paper 60 Fenton's Quest. Illustrated Svo, Paper 50 Flower and Weed 4to, Paper 10 Hostages to Fortune. Illustrated Svo, Paper 50 Ishmael 4to, Paper 20 John Marchmont's Legacy Svo, Paper 50 Joshua Haggard's Daughter. Illustrated Svo, Paper 50 Just as I Am 4to, Paper 15 Lost for Love. Illustrated Svo, Paper 50 Mistletoe Bough, 1S7S. Edited by M. E. Braddon 4to, Paper 16 Mistletoe Bough, lS7y. Edited by M. E. Braddon 4to, Paper 10 Mistletoe Bough, 1S84. Edited by M. E. Braddon 4to, Paper 20 Mistletoe Bough, 1885. Edited by M. E. Braddon 4to, Paper 20 Mount Royal 4to, Paper 16 Phantom Fortune 4to, Paper 20 Publicans and Sinners Svo, Paper 50 Strangers and Pilgrims. Illustrated Svo, Paper 50 Taken at the Flood Svo, Paper 50 The Cloven Foot 4 to, Paper 16