Page:The Innocents Abroad (1869).djvu/698

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A HISTORY .OF THE =p sy wer. we ‘Eo Weetiand @iadg Civil War in the United States. Enubracing an authentic account of the whole contest, BY HON. J. “1. HEADLEY, Author of ' Napoleon and his Marshals,” “Washiagton and his Generals,” “ Sacred Afountains,” &c,



Tris Great Work commences with the first outbreak of the war, and gives a full and truthful account of Lhe terrible struggle to its very end, and closing with the Re- ports of Generals Grant and Sherman,

Noting exch impartiut and interesting eyeut, with time and place of its occurrence, with perfect acenracy, rtating only as facts those things which are well nuthenticated this work cannot fail, cre long, {0 be aceepted by all ag a STANDARD AUTHORITY, ant ag auch will prove of immense value to its posséssorg as 2 BOOK FOR REFERENCE, and no library will be considered complete without a copy of it upou iis shelves,

This work is printed frau a beautiful, clear, new type, on good paper, and is illne- trated with over seventy first-class Steel Enyrayings, consisting of Mililary and Nayal Scenes, aud Portraits of Offieera prominent in the war,

Ty. will be beantifully and substantially bouud in Gre Superd Volume of nearly Tuxive Lundred Pages,

Price, Library Style, (Feather) Sprinkled Bdge, - . = 85.00 Embossed Morocco, do do - - - 5,03 do do Git da - - - - 5.50

Agents Wanted. Apply te AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., Hartford, Conn,

' THE SECRET SERVICE, The Field, The Dungeon and The Escape.

By ALBERT D. RICHARDSON, (Tribune Correspondent.)

The above work embraces the entire narrative of Mr. RICHARDSON’S Unparalled Experience for Four Years.

1. Traveling throngh the South in the sceret service of the 772dune nat the outbrosk of the War,

Il, Witk our arusica and fleets buth Bast and Weat, during the fisst twa years of the Rebellion,

Ti, His thrilling eujture while rnuning the batteries oa the Misslsslppl River at Vieksbarg, where niore than half Lis companiina were cither killed or woundud,

I¥. Lffa confinement lor pwenty months in seven diferent Rebel Priaens.

¥. Tis escape sud atmost Mirucnlons Journey by night, of ucarly 400 miles, sided hy Negroes and Union Mountaineers of North Curctinu ang Tenneasee throngh the enemy's cauntry to our lines.

it sbounds in stirring events never before given w Lhe public, und coutnins minute dewils of the escape, which have not yee appeared, including @ dgseription «f DAN ELLIS, the famous Union Pilot, ard tie “UNKNOWN GUIDE,” in the Peron ofa Young Lady, who piloted Mr. Richardson and his comrades by night out of a Hebel ambush.

In view of the anthor’s rivh muterial, hia well known trugiworthiness, and graphic deseriptive powers, the publishers feal justified in predicting a work of unusual interest, containing more of the FACS, INCIDENT AND ROMANCE OF THE WARK, than any other which has yet appeared.

The work # olfered in Lhe best style of typography, on gaod paper, sudcontainsever 500 Octave Pages and Nineteen Xngracingsa

Price, Cloth, (neat and substanifal,} — - . ~ - ~ - - $3.00 Library Style, (Leather) Sprinkled Edges, - ° . “ « 3.50 The book is pubiinhed in the German language, same etyles uf binding, and same prices,

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