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Or, the Fate of the Libertine.

Miss J. W.—I am no fiend, my love!

In. L.—[Becomes animated.] Love! Yes, Cupid, I am here at your bidding; although Tom Fair has crossed my path in love, yet I love on as if I had never seen him! Oh! if only she had proved steadfast, I could have been happy, but alas! now, I am lonely, [Weeps.] forlorn and forsaken! [Weeps.]

Miss J. W.—[Weeps likewise.] No, no, my dear Charley, [Stroking his forehead and cheeks.] you are not forsaken! I love you more than ever! I pray you look at me, and believe me that I always loved you; have been true to you—

In. L.—Accursed be the tongue that lies! [Speaks unconcerned, as if no one was about.]

Miss J. W.—Indeed, indeed! I have been true to you; however, I admit a little indiscreet, having been flattered and courted by a cunning scoundrel, but I have never loved him, my love is yours; will you have it, my dear Charley?

In. L.—Love, love; yes, I love you, dear lady; you have a beautiful hand, [Takes it into his and looks at hand, but wont look at her face.] it looks more like the hand of a young lady I knew than the hand of a "goddess of love!" May I kiss it?

Miss J. W.—Certainly!

In. L.—[Is shocked, jumps to his feet, greatly agitated.] Who are you, and what do you want here?

Miss J. W.—Don't you know me? Please look at me—

In. L.—[Weeps again.] Cupid, Cupid; ye gods do not drive me mad! Ye mock me with your familiarities; ye torture me with your wiles, but I am content! [Drops his head.]

Miss J. W.—Oh! had it not been for Mr. Thomas Fair—

In. L.—Tom Fair! [Flies up furiously and terribly agitated.] Who calls Tom Fair? I'll murder him, the first chance I get; where, where is he? [Grasps her fiercely and roughly.] Tell me, or I'll send you to hell! Ingrate, fiend, monster, carrion, liar, viper, snake! [Dashes her violently away, but instantly seizes her again.]

Miss J. W.—Oh! do not curse me, I'll make every reparation—

In. L.—Reparation! [Bends her over, chokes and handles her awful roughly, she screams.]

Miss J. W.—Help! help!

In. L.—Yes, help, help! Come, oh, come, ye gods of vengeance, and assist me to tear the false heart from every mother's son. Ha! ha! ha! ha!

[Enter Hans and Biddy.]

Hans.—Mine Cot, Piddy, [Pointing and scared.] Look dem crazy mans wash been killing dem womans—

Biddy.—Murder, murder, murder!

Hans.—Yaw, wise Gott! murder! murder, much damn murder! [They run around the stage screaming, until the whole neighborhood is aroused and brought to them.]

[Enter Jim Bluster and Peasants.]

Jim Bluster.—[Runs and grasps Insane Lover by the