Page:The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African.pdf/308

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The author leaves Dr. Irving, and engages on board a Turkey ship — Account of a black man's being kidnapped on board, and sent to the West Indies, and the author's fruitless endeavours to procure his freedom — Some account of the manner of the author's conversion to the Faith of Jesus Christ.

Our voyage to the North Pole being ended, I returned to London with Dr. Irving, with whom I continued for some time, during which I began seriously to reflect on the dangers I had escaped, particularly those of my last voyage, which made a lasting impression on my mind; and, by the grace of God, proved afterwards a mercy to me: it caused me to reflect deeply on my eternal slate, and to seek the Lord with full purpose of heart ere it be too late. I rejoice greatly; and heartily thanked the Lord for directing me to London, where I was determined to work out my own salvation, and, in so doing,
