The like custom must have existed partially in the life of the primitive mankind. The survivals of such a stage are in great enough quantities. Among Narrinyeri tribes the initiated youth is allowed the abominable privilege of promiscuous intercourse with the younger portion of the other sex that visit the camp of the young men. The armenegols of Pelew Islanders had arisen from the same custom. Further we can demonstrate, that monotheism, at its beginning, was the property of the males, no woman knowing anything about it. In the like way I hope to be in possibility of explaining many other features of the savage society and of throwing a light on some institutions, i. e., on the totemism. But, not wishing to go beyond the limits of my essay, I put these questions aside.
Page:The International Folk-Lore Congress of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, July, 1893.djvu/243