Page:The International Folk-Lore Congress of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, July, 1893.djvu/569

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to ancient spring festivals and the expulsion of winter from his domain.

There is a remarkable degree of similarity in all the songs used in widely separated regions and by people of different tribes, showing how universal these customs were in ancient times.

Another general and ancient Germanic feature of these festivals is the lighting of fires, especially on hills and mountain sides. The manner of burning, the drift of the smoke, and other incidents form material for divinations by the old women, the smoke is believed to benefit trees or houses to which it is carried by the wind, remnants of the fire-wood possess healing power. In some cases, a basket containing a live cat or a bound fox or rooster is placed on the top of three poles erected tent fashion, the fire being started under these poles. The people dance around, carrying torches, and often run through the ashes after the fire is out (cf. need-fires). Neighboring villages start their fires all at once, illuminating the heavens for many miles around. Often the merriment changes to solemn prayer. Yarn spun by the light of the holy fires by the girls possesses magic virtues. The kindling wood, straw, etc., is often collected in a similar manner as the material for the banquet. Wheels are wrapped in straw and rolled burning down the hillside. The author is of opinion that in ancient times these fires were accompanied by sacrifices, perhaps even human sacrifices, and that the cat, rooster, or fox, or in some places, a straw man or a cross called "the witch" which is placed on the poles, is a survival of those primeval rites.

Many things done during the holy eve of Shrove-Tuesday bring good luck, as pruning trees, hanging wreaths of straw on them as a protection from vermin, etc. If milk is drunk it protects from sunstroke. A peculiar belief is that if the moon shines those persons whose bodies cast no shadow will soon die. There are numerous superstitions of a similar kind.

Some villagers prepare dainty food and leave it on the window sills over night, for the spirits of their departed friends are supposed to come down during the night.

The author describes a number of games and pastimes