Page:The International Jew - Volume 1.djvu/139

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by distorting them through contradictory interpretations, we have created something stupendous in the way of results.”

Everyone knows that, in spite of the fact that the air was never so full of theories of liberty and wild declarations of “rights,” there has been a steady curtailment of “personal freedom.” Instead of being socialized, the people, under a cover of socialistic phrases, are being brought under an unaccustomed bondage to the state. The Public Health is one plea. Various forms of Public Safety are other pleas. Children are hardly free to play nowadays except under play-masters appointed by the State, among whom, curiously enough, an astonishing proportion of Jews manage to find a place. The streets are no longer as free as they were; laws of every kind are hedging upon the harmless liberties of the people. A steady tendency toward systematization, every phase of the tendency based upon some very learnedly stated “principle,” has set in, and curiously enough, when the investigator pursues his way to the authoritative center of these movements for the regulation of people’s life, he finds Jews in power. Children are being lured away from the “social center” of the home for other “centers”; they are being led away (and we are speaking of Gentile children—no Gentiles are ever allowed to regulate the lives of Jewish children) from their natural leaders in home, church and school, to institutionalized “centers” and scientific “play spots,” under “trained leaders” whose whole effect, consciously or unconsciously, is to lead the modern child to look to the State, instead of its natural environment, for leadership. All this focuses up to the World Plan for the subjugation of the Gentiles, and if it is not the Jewish World Plan it would be interesting to know why the material for it is so largely Gentile children and the leaders of it so often of the Jewish race.

Jewish liberties are the best safeguarded in the United States. Gentiles take their chance with public matters, but every Jewish community is surrounded by special protectors who gain special recognition by various devices—political and business threats not the least of them. No public spirited Gentiles are wel-