process of evolution and adaptation to the environment, just as it
is in the pathological processes of adaptation (patho-neuroses, re-
generation, etc.)- He hopes that by this accumulation we shall be
able to explain the most delicate, processes of organic evolution
which he considers thoroughly Lamarckian in character, agreeing
in this respect with Professor Freud.
Dr. B. von Felszeghy thinks that certain expressions of aiTect, as for example weeping and laughing, are in close genetic con- nection with singing and should not be omitted in the investigation of the latter mode of expression. The theory of the speaker goes too far in this respect, as it is also quite applicable to these ex- pressions of affect. As examples of the psychic bond between weeping and singing he cites certain mourning rites [Beweinen mid Besingen^ to chant and weep for the dead.).
B. Business Meeting
October 8, ip2i. The resolution is adopted that the minutes of the scientific meetings should be published henceforth under the heading of the work of the Society in the ' Korrespondenz-
S. Raoo,
Meeting on March /, 1^21.
Present: Fiirst, Geiser, Lathy, Meier-MOller, Nachmansohn, E. Oberholzer, M. Oberholzer, Pfister, Wehrli. New Member: Dr. med. H. Christoffel, BSle. Dr. M. Nachmansohn: 'Analysis of a Case of Homosexuality'.
Meeting on April 22, ip2i.
Present: Brun, Etter, Fiirst, Geiser, Griininger, Hofmann, Meier- Mliller, Minkowski, E. Oberholzer, M. Oberholzer, Peter, Pfister, Tobler, and visitors.
Dr. O. Pfister: 'Analysis of Capitalist Mentality'.