Page:The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis II 1921 1.djvu/137

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things influence each other by secret sympathy" ; a fallacy which (chiefly through the works of Freud and Frazer) is now, in its general bearings, too well understood by psycho-analysts to need comment or illustration.

It is to be regretted that in introducing the above classification of fallacies, due to other than strictly intellectual causes, Miss Bradby has made practically no reference to the work of her few predecessors in the same field. In a book of this kind we should at least expect some mention, for instance, of the name of Francis Bacon.

Enough has been indicated here to show the vast importance and interest of the theme handled by Miss Bradby — a theme which we hope will be accorded fuller treatment in the not too distant future. We need only add in conclusion that the book is written in an easy and pleasant style and affords throughout striking evidence of the author's wide reading and extensive interests.

J. C. FlCgel.

The Psychology of Nervous Ailments. By Joseph Ralph. (Ralph, Chelston, Torquay, 1920. Pp. 62.) ;,'

Since writing the brochure which was reviewed in the last number of the Journal (p, 487), Mr. Ralph has returned from America to England and has just published a second brochure. Like the former one, it is a clear, though brief and elementary, presentation of the aims of the psycho-analytic method, especially in regard to psychotherapy. As in the former case, we note an historical error regarding Dr. Breuer. This time, it is true, he becomes connected with Vienna and not Zurich, but it is said of him that in 1880, when "an old Viennese neurologist", he made certain discoveries, but was to appreciate their im- portance on account of his advanced age (pp. 13, 15). Dr. Breuer is a practising physician, and his speciality is physiology, not neurology; as he is, we believe, still in practice, he was presumably in the thir- ties in 1880, so that the reasons why he did not pursue his investi- gations are more likely to be connected with youth than with age.

Two others slips may be commented on. Freud never found that the neurasthenias were "merely symptoms of underlying mental causes" (p. 16), but has always regarded them as of purely physical origin. Nor can we agree that "it is advisable that the patient relinquish the usual routine of life and place himself at the disposal of the analyst for daily treatment of about two hours' duration" (p. 61). It is, on the contrary, important that the patient's mode of life during the analysis should approximate as nearly as possible to his normal one, and every effort should be made to ensure this, since it is a far more favourable con- dition for the analysis; while the cases it is advisable to treat for two hours daily are exceptions rather than the rule.