Page:The Irish guards in the great war (Volume 1).djvu/28

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still day in the P. & O. s.s. Novara. This was a long and tiring operation, since every one was new to embarkation-duty, and, owing to the tide, the ship's bulwarks stood twenty-five feet above the quay. The work was not finished till 4 P. M. when most of the men had been under arms for twelve hours. Just before leaving, Captain Sir Delves Broughton, Bart., was taken ill and had to be left behind. A telegram was sent to Headquarters, asking for Captain H. Hamilton Berners to take his place, and the Novara cleared at 7 P. M. As dusk fell, she passed H.M.S. Formidable off Ryde and exchanged signals with her. The battle-*ship's last message to the Battalion was to hope that they would get "plenty of fighting." Many of the officers at that moment were sincerely afraid that they might be late for the war! The following is the list of officers who went out with the Battalion that night:

 Lieut.-Col. Hon. G. H. Morris Commanding Officer. Major H. F. Crichton Senior Major. Captain Lord Desmond FitzGerald Adjutant. Lieut. E. J. F. Gough Transport Officer. Lieut. E. B. Greer M. Gun Officer. Hon. Lieut. H. Hickie Quartermaster. Lieut. H. J. S. Shields (R.A.M.C.) Medical Officer. Lieut. Hon. Aubrey Herbert, M.P. Interpreter.

No. 1 Company.

Capt. Hon. A. E. Mulholland.
Capt. Lord John Hamilton.
Lieut. Hon. H. R. Alexander.
Lieut. C. A. S. Walker.
2nd Lieut. N. L. Woodroffe.
2nd Lieut. J. Livingstone-Learmonth.

No. 2 Company.

Major H. A. Herbert Stepney.
Capt. J. N. Guthrie.
Lieut. E. J. F. Gough.
Lieut. J. S. N. FitzGerald.
Lieut. W. E. Hope.
2nd Lieut. O. Hughes-Onslow.