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Bola, plain, 152.
small do., 152.
Bottling fruit, rules for, 161.
Braising, directions for, 52.
Brandy cherries, 162.
Bread crumbs for frying, 36.
and butter pudding, 130.
fruit-tart, 128.
pudding, 135.
sauce, 22.
Brocali, stewed, 93.
Broiling, directions on, 50.
Broth, chicken, 176
Browned bread crumbs, 30.
flour, for colouring and thickening soups, sauces, and gravies, 30.
Butter cakes, 156.
melted, 25.
oiled, 24.

Cabbage and rice stewed, 94.
red, stewed, 96.
to pickle, 172.
Cakes, observations respecting, 113, 114.
almond tea, 152.
rich plum, 153, 154.
siesta, 151.
sponge, 158.
pound, 156.
soda, 155.
diet bread, 154.
for Passover, 158.
a bola, 152.
a very plain, 155.
a plain lunch, without butter, 156.
breakfast, 159.
drop, 154.
cinnamon, 153.
butter, 156.
short, 156.
Cakes, matso, 157.
icing for, 159.
Calf's head to stew, 64.
feet, stewed with Spanish sauce, 64.
au fritur, 65.
stewed simply, 65, 66.
jelly, 145.
Caper sauce, 27, 19.
Carrots, au beurre, 95.
Carp, stewed, 41, 42.
Cassereet, a, 81.
Casserole au riz, 101.
Caudle, 178.
rice, 178.
Cauliflower, to pickle, 170.
Celery, stewed with mutton, 75
Celery sauce, 19.
Charlotte Russe, 189.
a fruit, 190.
apple, 139.
Chestnuts, stewed with steaks, 58.
to roast, 185.
Cheesecakes, 108.
savoury, 98.
Cherry batter pudding, 131.
preserved whole, 165.
Chejados, 119.
Chicken broth, 176.
pudding, 188.
panado, 175.
Chocolate, to make, 182.
Chorissa, 62.
omelette, 109.
stewed with rice and fowl, 83.
Cinnamon cakes, 153.
Citron pudding, 150.
Clarify to, suet, 52.
sugar, 160.
Cocoa nut pudding, 120.
doce, 120.