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Soups, potatoe, 7.
à la turque, 6.
vermicelli, 9.
white, a, 9.
tomato, 10.
vegetable, or French, 11.
Spanish beans and peas, 29.
Spinach à la Française, 92.
Sponge cakes, 158.
Spring dish, a, 95.
Staffin, 125.
Steak stewed with chestnuts, 58.
stewed simply, 58.
Stewing, rules for, 50.
Stock—see consomme.
Strawberries preserved whole, 164.
jam, 165.
jelly, 166.
Suet to clarify, 52.
Sugar to clarify, 160.
Sweetbreads roasted, 73.
stewed white. 73.
brown, 74.
fricasseed, 73.

Tart de moy, 122.
Tartlets, 107.
Tendons of veal, 66.
Thickening for soups and sauces, 2.
Timbale of maccaroni, 87.
Tomato soup, 10.
sauce, 17.
dry soup, a, 97.
Tourte à la creme, 149.
Trifle, an easy one, 137.
a still more simple and quickly made, 147.
Truffle sauce, 24.
Turke soup, à la, 6.
Turkey boned and forced, 82.

Veal, a white fricandeaux of, 62.
brown, do. 63.
tendons of, 66.
fricandeaux, 67.
collard, 67.
curried, 68.
cutlets, 68, 69, 70.
blanquette of, 70.
minced, 71.
stuffing, 34.
miroton of, 71, 72.
smoked, 73.
Vegetable or French soup, 11.
observations on, 90.
Velouté, 31.
Venison to roast, 186.
a pasty, 186.
Vermicelli pudding, 136.
soup, 9.
Vol-au-vent, 109.
de fruit, 110.
petits, 110.

Waflers, 126.
Walnuts, to pickle, 173.
Water souchy, 41.
Whey wine, 179.
tamarind, 179.
plain, 180.
White bait, 45, 46.
White soup, 9.
superior, do., 11.
Wine, mulled, 183.
egg, 183.

Yorkshire pudding, 138.

Meldola, Cahn, and Co., Printers, 18, St. Mary Axe, City.