Page:The Journal of English and Germanic Philology Volume 18.djvu/147

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Schhitter 141 fact of its being emendation. His substitution of ff for p in three instance is again unwarranted and ought not to have been followed in the Supplement. The passage should be exhibited thus from B.C. Ill 561, 29: pa socnape into pam mynstre nu synt betytene (so MS. for begytem). In the quotation from C.D. Ill 383, 11, which is found in the Supplement sub edisc, Ad ilium agellum qui dicitur Tatan edisc, I wonder whether there has not been a mixing up of sources. Cer- tain it is that the passage as exhibited is printed so by Birch Cart. Ill 383, 11, while Kemble has [qff] for qui, dicif for dicitur and tatan for Tatan. Without doubt, the passage quoted sob for soft an (?) and charged to C.D. II 245, 26 is in point of fact taken from Birch Cart. II 245, 26. It would seem that the similarity of abbre- viation for the Codex Diplomaticus (C.D.) with that for Birch's Cartularium (B.C.D.) is responsible for the mistake. As the title of Birch's work hardly lends itself to the abbreviation chosen for its designation, we may fairly wonder why it was chosen; B.C. would be preferable. For the sake of brevity the Supplement often indulges in the shortening of passages in consequence of which slight changes of the text are necessitated here and there. These changes are permissible if they are properly marked. I have noted the following instances where they are not properly marked: Sub abbodledst the desired brevity and the necessary accuracy would both have been served if the passage from B.C.D. (Birch's Cartu- larium) I 155, 37 were quoted thus: f> nan lyre . . . acumeonpa lare . . . [ne] my[nstr]es ping forwyrpan for abbudleaste 'ut non detrimentum . . . disciplina incurrat vel res monasterii abbatis privatione depereant.' The bracketed letters indicate illegible places in the MS. Sub cetstrengan also a change has been indulged in without making the reader aware of it. Accuracy and brevity would both be served if the passage from Thorpe LL I 270, 21 = Birch Cart. Ill 383 were quoted Lhus: Gif he [sc. se hlaford]ponne gelomlice his gafoles myngad and. . he [sc. geneat manna hwylc] ponne aheardafi and hit pencfi to atstrengenne. Still worse is the change without warning in the quotation from C.D. V 153, 19-154, 1 sub gar-cecer. Kemble's Van garaceras appears there changed to $d gdrceceras. According to B.C. II 255 the MS. has clearly pang., but the variant pa is supplied by another MS. to which attention ought to have been drawn. Also the Supplement's garacer[um for Kemble's gdrcecer (gar cecer MS.) was anticipated by a MS. variant aceron which might have been mentioned. For K.'s Vat land and fiat andlanges fiare fyrh substitute the MS.'s ]) land and f> and langes pare fyrh. Also sub cecer-m&lum the quotation from C.D. VI 98, 5 might with profit be printed more correctly thus from B.C. Ill 562: pat ponne (sc. land) lid hid mcdum and

acer mcdum. In the following quotation, charged sub ar&je to