Page:The Journal of English and Germanic Philology Volume 18.djvu/361

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The Furness Variorum 357 "Thorough" having been restored in Pope ii. Ill, i, 250: "you Antony" holds true through Pope i only, and some indication should have been given by Mr. Furness that Theo- bald's emended punctuation was suggested in his "Shake- speare Restored" and appeared first in Pope ii; a similar failure or inability to record the niceties of collation occurs twenty lines earlier, where Mr. Furness simply ignores the problem (which the Cambridge Editors solve) of distinguishing between italic "Lethe" in F 4 and Roman "Lethe" in F 2, F 3. Ill, ii, 9: This whole note refers to line 13, Mr. Furness having been carelessly misled by the fact that both lines end with " rendred " ; moreover the collation must be completely changed so as to read, "Exit . . . Plebeians. Rowe i, + (Exeunt . . . Rowe ii, Pope)." for Theobald, Hanmer, Warburton, Johnson, and Var. '73 all read "Exit" not "Exeunt." Ill, ii, 13: Rowe ii prints "rendered," not "rendred." Ill, ii, 21: this note should be almost exactly reversed, for apparently F 2, F 3, F 4, and Rowe stand alone in printing "to them" while everyone else follows F 1 in printing "to him." Ill, ii, 76: "he" is omitted only in Rowe i, not in Rowe ii. Ill, ii, 285: "mov'd" should be credited to Rowe, not Pope; and it is not universally adopted, since it does not appear in the Cambridge or Globe editions. Ill, iii, s.d.: Theobald and Var. '73 do not call this Scene VII, as asserted by Mr. Furness; on the contrary Theo- bald follows Rowe and the Folios in continuing the Scene without interruption, while Var. '73 follows Capell in calling it Scene III. IV, i, 42: "imitations," should be credited to Rowe ii, since the period remains unaltered in Rowe i. IV, ii, s.d.: why Mr. Furness should arbitrarily select Var. '73 to receive credit for the reading "meeting" instead of "meete" is a mystery, for this reading appears in all preceding editions except Capell's (i.e., in those of Rowe, Pope, Theobald, Han- mer, Warburton, and Johnson). IV, iii, 59: Rowe i reads "Noblemen" (unrecorded). IV, iii, 95: the collation "a Rowe, Pope, Theob. Han. Warb." should read "a Rowe ii, +," inas- much as "his" appears in Rowe i and "a" in Johnson and Var. '73. IV, iii, 139: Pope and Hanmer follow Rowe ii, though in a footnote, in reading "Lucius." IV, iii, 140, 143, 144: the editions listed read "Luc." here, without exception, and there

is no ground whatsoever for committing the editors to "Lucii."