Page:The Journal of English and Germanic Philology Volume 18.djvu/582

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578 S Mutter Hall has correctly inferred tipamylan from the evidence pro- duced. If he had taken into consideration the following passage cited in the Catholicon Anglicum 2 from Trevisa's translation (a 1387) of Ranulphus Higden's Polychronicon I. 63 14-15, he would have seen that tipdmyllan is the word to be posited. For "laterum saxa (sc. of Caspii montes) liquentibus inter se salis venis exundant humorem affluentem. Qui constrictus vi caloris velut in aestivam glaciem corpora tur" is rendered thus: In pe sides of pe hulles of Caspii salt veynes mullep and woseth ante humors and moysture i-dried and i-clung by hete of pe sonne. This passage seems to have escaped also the attention of the scholars editing the NED, since no verb mull(e) 'to burst forth' is booked, as far as I am aware. OE. eit = modern English ait The NED quotes sub ait 1 from C.D.IV. 211 the following passage: on mdden and on eyten, on waterin and on weren. This is from Kemble's print of a late copy of a charter preserved in MS. Cott. Faust. A. Ill folio 104. A facsimile of the original dated a 1051-66 may be found in the Ordnance Survey Office Facsimiles of Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts, edited by M. Basevi Sanders, Southampton 1882, part 2, Westminster MSS. No. 10. The passage of which the above quotation is a part reads in full thus: 7 ice ann J> 3 See Peter 7 pa gebrodra on westmynstre habban to heora bileofan J? cdtlif* stana mid pam lande 5 stceninga haga wid innon lundone. 7 fif 7 prittig hida sokne peer td. mid eallu p dm berwican pe ice* habbe for minre sawle alesednysse in to pare halgan stowwe gegyfan. 7 O3lcc 6 P^re pinga pe peer t6 mid rihte ge byrafi dn cyrcan 7 on mylnan on wuda 7 onfeldan. on Icese 7 on hcefie. on mcedu 7 on eitu. on wceteru 7 on weru. 7 on eallu pingu swa full 7 swa ford swa hy on ealdu timan in to stana sokne geled wceron. ofifie me selfanfyrmest on handa stodan. 2 1 regret being unable at present to say exactly where, my notes not being explicit on that point and no copy of the work being accessible to me here at Daytona Beach. Possibly it is under wose. 3 Sander's transcript J?e (!). 4 Sander's transcript omits the accent. 6 Sander's transcript landa. 6 Sanders' transcript alee. As Birch in his cartularium has been occasion- ally misled into accepting some of Sanders' readings, I wish to draw especial

attention to his discrepancies from the MSS.