Page:The Journal of English and Germanic Philology Volume 18.djvu/6

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Otto B. Schlutter, Some Very Pertinent Remarks on Toller's Supplement to Bosworth-Toller's Anglo-Saxon Dictionary 137 '

Friedrich Brims, Theodore Brown Hewitt's Paul Gerhardt as a Hymn Writer and His Influence on English Hymnody 144

Jacob Zeitlin, William Haller's The Early Life of Robert Southley, 1774-1803 148

William Edward Mead, Dorothy Hughes' Illustrations of Chaucer's England 150

Clark S. Northup, Stuart P. Sherman's Matthew Arnold: How to Know Him, and, Raymond McDonald Alden's Alfred Tennyson: How to Know Him 289

Helen Sard Hughes, Robert Naylor Whiteford's Motives in English Fiction 296

Josef Wiehr, Armin Hajman Roller's The Theory of Environment.299

George O. Curme, Daniel Frederick Pasmore's Karl Gutzkow's Short Stories 303

Armin H. Koller, William Jacob Keller's Goethe's Estimate of the Greek and Latin Writers 304

Raymond Macdonald Alden, Barrett H. Clark's 'European Theories of the Drama: An Anthology of Dramatic Theory and Criticism from Aristotle to the Present Day' 455

S. P. Sherman, Frederick E. Pierce's 'Currents and Eddies in the English Romantic Generation' 461

Helen Sard Hughes, Henry Fielding's 'The Tragedy of Tragedies' 464

Harold N. Hillebrand, Joseph Quincy Adams' 'The Dramatic Records of Sir Henry Herbert (Cornell Studies in English)' 467

Oral Sumner Coad, Perley Isaac Reed's 'The Realistic Presentation of American Characters in Native American Plays Prior to 1870' 469

George T. Flom, Amund B. Larsen's 'Syntaxen i Tromsø, Bymaal. En Kort Oversigt av Ragnvald Iversen. Kristiania, 1918 471

Fr. Klaeber, Massimiliano Foerster's 'Il Codice Vercellese Con Omelie E Poesie in Lingua Anglosassone, and Max. Förster's 'Der Vercelli-Codex CXVII' 476

George O. Curme, H. L. Mencken's 'The American Language' 480

Margaret Lewis Bailey, Harrison Ross Steeves' 'Learned Societies and English Literary Scholarship in Great Britain and the United States' 483

H. W. Nordmeyer, Edwin Hermann Zeydel's 'The Holy Roman Empire in German Literature' 491

O. E. Lessing, Irving Babbitt's Rousseau and Romanticism 628

Raymond M. Alden, Robert Shafer's The English Ode to 1660 636

Oliver Farrar Emerson, Hartley Bateson's Patience, A West Midland Poem of the Fourteenth Century 638

Joseph Quincy Adams, Philip Massinger and Nathaniel Field's The Fatal Dowry 641

Albert Keiser, G. F. Browne's The Ancient Cross Shafts at Bewcastle and Ruthwell 647

T. M. Campbell, Max Scherrer's Kampf und Krieg 650