Page:The Journal of Indian Botany, Volume III.djvu/28

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E. Rouxianum Steud. Steudel Syn PI. Oyp. p. 271 ; Euhl. p. 116, imperfects cognita ” Leaves Iinaar-lanceolate from a broad bass, 1—1 1 in. Head § in. diam. Involucral bracts, herbaceous, erect, linear-oblong obtuse, 1/4 longer than the white villous head. Moral bracts, obovate-obtuse, ciliate. Sepals lanceolate, ciliate at the apex- Near Bombay.

Euhland remarks that Koerniche thinks that is JE. Thwaitcsii , but he him- self thinks this very doubtful. Putting aside the herbaceous character of the involucral bracts, their length suggests my E Diance , but the description does not suffice for more.

E. melaleucurn Mart. Wall PI. As. Ear. Ill p. 29 ; E.B.I. vi 574 ; Euhl. No. 80. An annual {Mart). Leaves 1-2 in. 3-7 nerved linear subulate or accuminate. Sheaths twice as long, truncate. Peduncles solitary or few, 3-6 in. high. Involucral bracts black, obtuse ; floral acuminate, black, thickly bearded. Sepals and petals' 3 each. Eemale sepals 2 boat shaped 1 flat ; petals oblaneeolate, ciliate. One male petals slightly longer than the others. Anthers globose, yellow but turning blackish, “ Mavescentes tandem nigricantes,” {Mart). Seeds elliptic. S. India— Ooramandel (Mart. Wall Cat. 608o’) E.B.I. gives Nilgiris (Heyne and Schmidt) and Arrakan (King).

Euhland quote also Perrottet 1166 (Nilgiris) and Wight 2856.

Inspite of the wide range attributed to the species there is no sheet with this name m the Calcutta Herbarium. But this very wide distribution, from Burma to the Coromandel, and from the plains to the Nilgiris suggests a mix- ture of more than one species. The blackening of the yellow anthers is also strange. Martms, plant may be m yE. hmsley-kundce, but I have not had access to Wallich‘s collection, and this latter species has not a markedly truncate

bu e tta?h thS °t r ^ Hookf. on the Nilgiris ofSnh as

but its anthers are black, and except by the anthers which were not noticed y is easy to confuse E. collmum what I call E. horsleu-hundae with var megalocephala, (No. 46), for both grow on the Nilgiris at 5,000 ft.

E. subglaucum Ruhl., Euhl. No. 68. This name Euhland gave the plant named by Thwaites E. atratum var. major, (No 61 ) which . Hooker reduced in Trimens Elora of Ceylon to E. zeylanmm Koerniche. But see my note on E. atratum, (No. 30).

p T f Neesfonwn. Koerniche; Euhl. No. 172. Very similar to E. Thwaitem Koem. but the involucral bract not longer than the head.

But in Koermche’s description in Linnaea xxvii, p. 630, the female seDals were given “as naviculari-carinatae et spongiosa-alatae ’’ an d !

alliesas E. truncatum Mart, and E. achiton . P The sponeev win the , nearest

head. It is m probably the small form of JE. Thwaitesii Kn*™ ut j E, Mariae (Pi. Nil. and Pul. H. T. t. 277). See note on No 14.

{To he Continued)