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anomalous case. An author who, by common consent is acknowledged to have possessed very extraordinary intellectual powers, genius and learning, as well as honesty and sincerity of purpose, has written some fifteen thousand pages on theological and spiritual subjects, devoting all but about one thousand to the spiritual meaning of the divine Word, explaining the principles and laws of the human mind, and to the discussion of various spiritual and moral questions, and throughout these many thousands of pages is always consistent with himself, as well as clear, logical and forcible in his reasoning; but interspersed throughout these writings, there are found a thousand pages or more, in which he details the conversations which he had with angels, and describes the things which he saw and heard in the spiritual world; the things thus described are at the same time, shown to be just such as must result from the operation of laws, the existence of which is fully demonstrated. And yet you regard his assertion of such intercourse as a prima facie evidence of his insanity, and as a sufficient reason for rejecting all that he has written on other subjects; and all this simply because such open intercourse with the spiritual world, is contrary to the common experience of mankind, in modern times. You would surely reason in a much fairer, more candid and more logical manner, if you were to admit the probability, that inasmuch as he was in other respects one of the most extraordinary men that the world has seen, that he may also have been an uncommon man in this respect. By thus admitting the probability of his intercourse with the spiritual world, you will furnish yourself with the only rational means of accounting for his very extraordinary knowledge in regard to spiritual things; and will thus at length be prepared to admit the full truth of what he asserts, that his spiritual sight was opened by the Lord, and that he was thus permitted to see and describe those things, in order that some knowledge of the spiritual world, might be once more re-