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substituted such influences as tended to uphold the domination which such spirits, and their like in this world, affect; and the reason why such infatuation prevails no longer, is, as we are convinced, because, by the Last Judgment, those spirits are removed, and light from heaven, thus gaining new access to the minds of men, exposes, as one of its first effects, the absurdity of such pretensions. Can any one look at the wonderful change, in this respect, which is every where experienced, and not acknowledge the cause which we assign for it to be the most worthy, yea, the only adequate one that can be conceived? Can any one, on its being suggested to him, fail to recognize, in these surprising events, plain signs that the Last Judgment is accomplished?"

It ought to be observed that the book from which these quotations are made, was written about twenty five years since. The argument which is here presented would be very greatly strengthened by comparing the present condition of the Romish Church, with what it was even at that time. While that Church has lost little or nothing simply in numerical strength, its doctrines and religious forms being admirably adapted to the affections and tastes of unregenerate men, and possessing very peculiar facilities for adapting itself to all states of society, and all grades of civilization,—yet as a system of spiritual tyranny, securing the allegiance and obedience of the multitude by arbitrary edicts, in this sense it has almost ceased to exist. The Pope, at whose commands, millions once trembled, has now very little more than a nominal existence. In the political revolutions of the last few months, we have seen him tossed like a bubble upon the stormy ocean, totally divested of all civil power, even in Italy itself, and obliged to call for foreign aid to protect his own person.

The Romish Church being thus deprived of all power to enforce obedience to its mandates, a civil freedom, or freedom of external action, is introduced, which will inevitably be soon followed by a more internal freedom, among all those who are seeking for the light of spiritual truth. Already has that Church ceased to be the terror of whose who are strug-