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word of the Lord from the writings of men. There had been great difficulty and uncertainty, in seeking to ascertain what portions of the ancient scriptures are inspired; and in what their inspiration consists. The decisions of one ecclesiastical council had been set aside by those of an other, and the opinions of one author by those of another, till this whole subject had become involved in a dark and impenetrable mystery. No question in theology was more entirely unsettled, than that in regard to the inspiration of the scriptures. This fact will not be denied by any candid man, who has paid the least attention to the subject. In the midst of this confusion and uncertainty, an author has appeared, who professes to apply a test by which the true word of the Lord can be infallibly separated from all other writings, its divinity demonstrated with absolute certainty, and its divine power and glory brought forth to view in a manner heretofore unknown. The writings of this author have, produced the deep and strong convictions of truth, upon the minds of all those who have given evidence of having thoroughly and faithfully examined them.

Now I would most respectfully ask the reader, is it not a dangerous and unwarrantable presumption for any man, who has not carefully examined these writings, to venture to affirm that they do not contain a fuller developement of the true meaning of the divine word, than can be found in the writings of the apostles? Is it not the same spirit which would reject, without examination, any doctrine, whether true or false, which comes into collision with our prejudices?

With a quiet and unshaken confidence we await the time, when the final and full developement of truth, will show who is right in this matter. And yet for better reasons than a desire to behold the triumph of truth, I would indeavor to convince the reader of the importance of faithfully examining this subject. For I know that if he enters upon such an examination from a sincere love of the truth