Page:The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana.djvu/29

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Index, and General Consideration of the Subject.
Chapter I. Salutation to Dharma, Artha, and Kama.
Chapter II. Observations on the three worldly attainments of Virtue, Wealth, and Love.
Chapter III. On the study of the Sixty-four Arts.
Chapter IV. On the Arrangements of a House, and Household Furniture; and about the Daily Life of a Citizen, his Companions, Amusements, etc.
Chapter V. About classes of Women fit and unfit for Congress with the Citizen, and of Friends, and Messengers.
Of Sexual Union
Chapter I. Kinds of Union according to Dimensions, Force of Desire, and Time; and on the different kinds of Love.
Chapter II. Of the Embrace.
Chapter III. On Kissing.
Chapter IV. On Pressing or Marking with the Nails.
Chapter V. On Biting, and the ways of Love to be employed with regard to Women of different countries.
Chapter VI. On the various ways of Lying down, and the different kinds of Congress.
Chapter VII. On the various ways of Striking, and of the Sounds appropriate to them.
Chapter VIII. About Females acting the part of Males.
Chapter IX. On holding the Lingam in the Mouth.
Chapter X. How to begin and how to end the Congress. Different kinds of Congress, and Love Quarrels.