Page:The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana.djvu/31

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of Vatsyayana
Chapter IV. The Business of a Go-between.
Chapter V. On the Love of Persons in authority with the Wives of other People.
Chapter VI. About the Women of the Royal Harem, and of the keeping of one's own Wife.
About Courtezans.
Chapter I. Of the Causes of a Courtezan resorting to Men; of the means of Attaching to herself the Man desired, and the kind of Man that it is desirable to be acquainted with.
Chapter II. Of a Courtezan living with a Man as his Wife.
Chapter III. Of the Means of getting Money; of the Signs of a Lover who is beginning to be Weary, and of the way to get rid of him.
Chapter IV. About a Re-union with a former Lover.
Chapter V. Of different kinds of Gain.
Chapter VI. Of Gains and Losses, attendant Gains and Losses, and Doubts; and lastly, the different kinds of Courtezans.
On the Means of Attracting Others to One's Self.
Chapter I. On Personal Adornment, subjugating the hearts of others, and of tonic medicines.
Chapter II. Of the means of exciting Desire, and of the ways of enlarging the Lingam. Miscellaneous Experiments and Receipts.