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1st, 12th, 1Oth and 8th, Champutun was destroyed or abandoned. The Itzaes reigned two hundred and sixty years in Champtun when they returned in search of their homes, and they lived for several Katunsin the uninhabited mountains. Years 260.

§6. The 6th Ahau, 4th Ahau, after 40 years they returned to their homes once more and Champutun was lost to them. Years 40.

The fourth section, in correct sequence, continues the series from the 13th Ahau when Chichen-Itza was founded. It covers the 11th, 9th, 7th, 5th, 3d, and 1st Ahau, a space of 20 years, in which the wanderers make the new region of Chichen-Itza their metropolis. Enemies, however, whose names are not indicated, destroy the place and oblige them to look elsewhere. They then turn to Champutun (now Champoton, also Potonchan), situated in a south westerly direction from Chichen-Itza, on the westerly shore of the Peninsula.

The fifth section should begin with the 12th Ahau, but instead it follows the 6th Ahau. Hence the (12th), (10th) and (8th) Ahau are missing. These 60 years may be supposed to be the time required by the exiles to recuperate their strength in order to conquer the new territory of Champoton. In the 6th Ahau then they succeeded in taking Champoton, and they remained there during the 4th, 2d, 13th, 11th, 9th, 7th, 5th, 3d, 1st, 12th, 10th and 8th Ahaus, a full Ahau-Katun epoch of 260 years. They were obliged to leave Champoton in the 8th Ahau, and seemed willing to return to their old home, but determined to reconquer Champoton. We are told in the sixth section that two Katuns or 40 years, were passed in delays and preparations, correctly figured by the 6th and 4th Ahau; that they then made an attempt to reconquer Champoton, failing in which, they were obliged to look about for a new home.

Commentary of Señor Perez to the 4th, 5th and 6th sections.—They remained in Chichen-Itza and ruled there until it was destroyed,